Watch Dogs low FPS and stuttering?


Jan 9, 2015
Hey everyone. I just built my very first gaming pc. I bought watch dogs as my first game on my pc, but im surprised on how it performs.
First of all here's my specs:

MSI R9 280 3gb
Intel i5 4690 (not 4690K)
ASUS Z97-K Motherboard
630 WATT Thermaltake psu
I have all the latest drivers.

My fps is Avg: 42.091 - Min: 21 - Max: 88. And that's at 1080p at medium settings. And it's the same at low settings. Is that normal for my specs? But even if it is normal i still get alot of stuttering and the fps is not stable. I get massive fps drops when im driving and its really is driving me crazy.
So, is this normal for my specs? Or is the game just optimized poorly for pc?
Thank you :)
It's not your system specs... Watch_Dogs is not a very optimized game. I think you'll be satisfied with your performance with other games like BF4 or Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes
It's not your system specs... Watch_Dogs is not a very optimized game. I think you'll be satisfied with your performance with other games like BF4 or Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes

Thanks for the response. I was a bit worried that my pc wasn't that good after all.