WATCH_DOGS - A Walkthrough Guide To Mess In Chicago v1.2

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WATCH_DOGS - A Walkthrough Guide To Mess In Chicago


WATCH_DOGS has been a heavily anticipated title in Video Game History. Actually everyone demanded a good alternative to the infamous Grand Theft Auto franchise. Ubisoft did give somewhat an answer to it. But there was a major difference. And it was, You can do hacking inside the game. Which was completely a new experience. It was heavily demanded even I couldn't log into my Uplay account in the second day of Watch Dogs release. Actually the game is a year old but it's pretty cool. It takes place in a fictionalized version of Chicago. And it's a massive world. By the way, you are not alone. You are armed with the modern day magician's tool. A smart phone !

Let's Talk about The new Chicago and what you can do inside it, Shall We?

1. Entering the World of Chicago

You are Aiden Pearce. A master hacker who tries the rebuild the corrupted Chicago. To do that you need to take control of the ctOS, The enormous surveillance system that holds the whole city together. There are 3 chapters in the game and you have to complete them. In the game Aiden is seeking revenge for the death of his niece. During this journey he has to work surviving many hard ships. Well Hold on ! No plot discussing here. Let's talk about what we can do in this game. This is a open world sand box game so you have the freedom to explore and enjoy, Just like most of the Ubisoft games. You can either be a good citizen or a criminal. In this tutorial we will talk about messing in this city so We'll become criminals in Watch Dogs.

Your Every Action Has Consequences

If you do tons of unorthodox stuff like killing people after remembering all those time in GTA, Soon Police would be chasing you. When you get in to a very strict pursuit, You have few main options to escape. This would help you much in completing the story.


Is there Water near here? ; In almost every sandbox game, The best way to escape is water. Try to find a boat or something similar. If no body of Water is found, The best way is to escape is using a gated area. If you are on foot I believe this is the perfect way. Then just hide.

ctOS ; If the above mentioned solutions are invalid and you are certain of it, Try to find a ctOS control location. This is one of the most effective ways too escape police since you are a hacker.

Pick Up A Fight

Aiden ! Aiden is a mixture of Sam Fisher and Ezio Auditore. He can perform various fighting techniques. But he is pretty much mortal. You can kill your enemies using various tactics. You can use ranged weapons, CCTVs etc.

Arsenal You do have a vast range of arsenal including Shot Guns, Riffles, Thug weapons. But you have few tiers of upgrades you should do. Then you are set to make a good fight.

In Single Player this is not everything you can do, There's still much to discuss about. But It's your job to find the advanced methods because I mentioned the basics here.

2. Hackers From All round the Globe AKA Multiplayer


Watch Dogs has a good multiplayer layer. And every player is Aiden. It's sort of a good mind trick just like in Assassin's Creed Unity. I'll talk about few fundamental MP modes.

Online Hacking Main objective is hacking another player and installing a backdoor while staying undetected. Beware the other player's objective is to kill you.

Online Races This is the mode which I personally enjoyed the most. The Thing is straight forward. This is a Need for Speed game inside Watch Dogs.

Online Tailing This time don't hack the other one. Just follow him and see what he is up to. Yeah... This mode is not very much fun.

Actually there are few more modes. But these 3 stands the best.

3.Tips For Multiplayer


We'll talk a bit about online hacking here. I find this mode the most interesting one. Other players can identify you easily if you are visible. In Watch Dogs you can't have abilities like Disguise in Assassin's Creed Multiplayer. So you have to HIDE. Here we'll talk bit about hiding and staying anonymous while installing the backdoor.

Hide In A Car; Hiding in a car and acting like a civilian is most probably the best way to escape your predator. But you should do something which requires a bit more patience. You have to discover and act like a civilian. That way most of the players won't identify you.

Motorcycles?; By far this is the best to for Watch Dogs players. Until this moment I have never seen a Non Playable Character (NPC) riding a motor cycle. If someone uses a motor Cycle during a session. That's your target or pursuer.

NPCs are typical; In Watch Dogs NPCs do not run and do any notorious action. Specially shooting. So that's a great way to sort out to which are NPCs and which are PCs. So another best tactic is hiding in the crowd and act in a blending manner.

These are some of my and internet tips, Make sure You find yours. So you'll find stuff which are not common and they'll will benefit only to you.

5. Find these Easter Eggs.

Abstergo's CEO

In a Criminal Convoy mission You can have Olivier Garneau as your Assassination target. This guy is from Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. He is a modern day templar. And some other NPCs hold abstergo labels.


Rabbids In the mission "Big Brother" You can find this Rabbid in Jackson's Room.


Blood Dragon In the Rossi-Fremont building, You can find arcade machines. Among them there's is the name Blood dragon. Ubisoft released Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon in 2013.


Others are few minor Easter Eggs But these are the interesting video game related ones.

This is just a simple Walkthrough to inform the game's newcomers. So they would get a feeling about what they can do in Chicago. Actually I could have explained the whole game But It would be much more Consuming and worthless. Because you should jump in to the world and find. Anyway Thanks for reading and share this to anyone who might benefit from this handy little tutorial.


Peace !