Water 3.0 Pro Pump/Flow Direction?


Oct 16, 2016
I've owned a Water 3.0 Pro for about 2 years now and haven't had any issues, however I purchased a new case and I can no longer keep it oriented the same way. I've been able to find plenty of push/pull answers, but I would like to know which direction the water flows through the pump. With the pump connected to the cpu, hoses on the bottom side, which direction is it flowing? Left intake and right exhaust? Or vis versa?
Asetek make all the AIO's you see in the market and their general flow direction hasn't changed since the H50's were modded.

i.e right is inlet and left is outlet.

Might I ask why you're asking about the loop direction? Are you modding your AIO? It's not worth it if you're intending to mod it. Best settle for a DIY kit and build from the ground up.
Asetek make all the AIO's you see in the market and their general flow direction hasn't changed since the H50's were modded.

i.e right is inlet and left is outlet.

Might I ask why you're asking about the loop direction? Are you modding your AIO? It's not worth it if you're intending to mod it. Best settle for a DIY kit and build from the ground up.