Turn the fans around. Where they are right now on the rad, that'd be pull, if you stick them on the front, that'd be push. Flip the top as well and that'd make it into exhaust
But that's only a start, and won't affect cpu temps all that much, if any, since it is a radiator. So what concerns me is if you've played with cpu vcore or other voltages. 95°C is way high for that cpu and cooler, you should be closer to 50's gaming and topping out under stress tests in the 70's at most.
Which leaves the pump either not mounted as it should be, software failure, or something wrong with the pump itself.
There should have been 3 sets of standoffs, only 1 is for your cpu, so the pump should be tight to the cpu. You did remove the safety sticker from the pump base? How's the paste? Are the thumb screws hand tight? Did you tighten them in a repeated X pattern?
How are the fans hooked up? To where, is the usb cable attached to the motherboard? Does iCue see the pump speeds/ fan speeds?