Question Water cooling and still overheating

Dec 25, 2019
Hi, I just got my new water cooling (Corsair H110i) and my CPU is still very hot. I used the thermal paste that was attached from the factory. On idle the CPU is about 30C but as soon as I put load on it (playing csgo for example) it goes up to 70C and somtimes up to 95C.

My CPU is a i7 6700k overclocked from 4.0 to 4.2 ghz

Thank you!
Your setup is awkward. You have intake from the top and exhaust out the front. That's going to make for some serious thermal issues when running the gpu hard as all the heated exhaust wants to rise.

How do you have the OC set? What parameters? Because Turbo on that cpu is stock at 4.2GHz, you didn't OC anything. Any load over @ 30%ish will automatically run Turbo speeds, not Base speeds.
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Your setup is awkward. You have intake from the top and exhaust out the front. That's going to make for some serious thermal issues when running the gpu hard as all the heated exhaust wants to rise.

How do you have the OC set? What parameters? Because Turbo on that cpu is stock at 4.2GHz, you didn't OC anything. Any load over @ 30%ish will automatically run Turbo speeds, not Base speeds.
I know that the exhause should be in the back but I dont know how to get the water cooler to suck in air insted of blowing out and this was my only solution to get the air to flow. And yes, the CPU is just at normal turbo :)
Turn the fans around. Where they are right now on the rad, that'd be pull, if you stick them on the front, that'd be push. Flip the top as well and that'd make it into exhaust

But that's only a start, and won't affect cpu temps all that much, if any, since it is a radiator. So what concerns me is if you've played with cpu vcore or other voltages. 95°C is way high for that cpu and cooler, you should be closer to 50's gaming and topping out under stress tests in the 70's at most.

Which leaves the pump either not mounted as it should be, software failure, or something wrong with the pump itself.

There should have been 3 sets of standoffs, only 1 is for your cpu, so the pump should be tight to the cpu. You did remove the safety sticker from the pump base? How's the paste? Are the thumb screws hand tight? Did you tighten them in a repeated X pattern?

How are the fans hooked up? To where, is the usb cable attached to the motherboard? Does iCue see the pump speeds/ fan speeds?
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Turn the fans around. Where they are right now on the rad, that'd be pull, if you stick them on the front, that'd be push. Flip the top as well and that'd make it into exhaust

But that's only a start, and won't affect cpu temps all that much, if any, since it is a radiator. So what concerns me is if you've played with cpu vcore or other voltages. 95°C is way high for that cpu and cooler, you should be closer to 50's gaming and topping out under stress tests in the 70's at most.

Which leaves the pump either not mounted as it should be, software failure, or something wrong with the pump itself.

There should have been 3 sets of standoffs, only 1 is for your cpu, so the pump should be tight to the cpu. You did remove the safety sticker from the pump base? How's the paste? Are the thumb screws hand tight? Did you tighten them in a repeated X pattern?

How are the fans hooked up? To where, is the usb cable attached to the motherboard? Does iCue see the pump speeds/ fan speeds?
I cant turn the rad fans around since the rgb wont be visible than way 😉 If i would flip my top fans they would be "right" direction that would make it so all my fans are exhaust fans. I flipped the top fans since I couldnt flip the rad fans, I guess that is illigal.

The pump is mounted correctly with the thermal paste that was already on the pump. iCUE detects mu pump and fans and everything works fine. The CPU cooler is tighten down good and I did it in a criss cross pattern.
Thank you!!
Heh, no it's not illegal, lol, just awkward. There are actually cases setup the same way as that's the only way that makes sense, regardless of normal circumstances. As long as it works for you, it's all good.

You haven't mentioned any gurgling noise or other odd noise from the pump, so I'm assuming there's no airbubble trapped in it and flow is good.

That cooler as is is more than capable of lower temps than 95°C and assuming that everything in the mount and pump is good, that leaves only the possibility of what you did with the OC and whether the paste is good or not. Meaning either the cpu is getting crazy hot or the paste is dry and not allowing good thermal conductivity. Did you double check the standoffs against the others included vs what the install instructions say? And you are sure you pulled the plastic off the paste before sticking it to the cpu?
I am assuming there is a rear exhaust? I would forget about ascetics and make the back rear fan, and top rear exhaust, and flip the rad fans to make them intakes (you will still see the RGB). Your setup is basically exhausting hot air already built up in your case through the rad, it needs fresh air.
Heh, no it's not illegal, lol, just awkward. There are actually cases setup the same way as that's the only way that makes sense, regardless of normal circumstances. As long as it works for you, it's all good.

You haven't mentioned any gurgling noise or other odd noise from the pump, so I'm assuming there's no airbubble trapped in it and flow is good.

That cooler as is is more than capable of lower temps than 95°C and assuming that everything in the mount and pump is good, that leaves only the possibility of what you did with the OC and whether the paste is good or not. Meaning either the cpu is getting crazy hot or the paste is dry and not allowing good thermal conductivity. Did you double check the standoffs against the others included vs what the install instructions say? And you are sure you pulled the plastic off the paste before sticking it to the cpu?
Okay, so I think i might replace the thermal paste later on. The CPU was on its "normal" turbo speed (4.2 ghz) but i changed it back to 4.0 today and i will need to wait and see if that made a diffrence :) The stand off sould be right and im sure i removed the plastic from the thermal.
I am assuming there is a rear exhaust? I would forget about ascetics and make the back rear fan, and top rear exhaust, and flip the rad fans to make them intakes (you will still see the RGB). Your setup is basically exhausting hot air already built up in your case through the rad, it needs fresh air.
Yes that is true but I dont think the rgb will be visible then! 🙁