Water cooling GPU able to reduce power consumption?


Oct 31, 2013
I'm a little worried on my 750W PSU running crossfire 2x R9 290. I got answered that it will work, but not recommended.

I found gpu use less power while running in low temperature.
I only get worried while the 2 gpu on peak load, other times 750w shall be plenty.
I think each card uses around 250w on peak, and runs over 80-90C hot.
Will I be able to reduce power consumption by water cooling the cards(maybe down to around 60C)? How much power can I save on the GPUs.. and to achive this, how much more power I will use on the water cooling system(pump & fans).. not sure if it reduce or increase my PSU stress.

I guess I'll have to water cool at least 1 card, because the gap between the 2 cards is only about 5mm. The primary card has very limit air intake.

Another question, I think a full water block is really expensive. I'm thinking to build custom loop, cool the cards by using universal single GPU waterblock plus air cool VRM... (like NZXT G10, Corsair HG10, they only works with their own AIO kit...). I know it's not helping on the VRM, but the cost is a lot lower.
Is there such a product can air cool VRM and compatible with custom loop GPU waterblock? (VRM fan bracket can mount on graphics card, or a GPU waterblock can mount a fan)

Actually, you will INCREASE your power consumption because you will need to run an additional fan to cool the radiator on the cooler plus whatever other fan you used for the other card. When you factor in the cost of purchasing a cooling solution that will actually work for two cards, whether that includes a custom loop for two GPU's or a single liquid cooler and an additional fan, it's probably just a better plan to purchase a capable, reliable power supply that's rated with sufficient continuous wattage to handle all your hardware.

What is the brand and model (Important) of your current PSU?

Besides, the amount of power consumption you would reduce, if any, using your approach would not be significant enough to justify the methods necessary to accomplish it.

You can get a good capable power supply, and don't just buy any power supply (You want one listed someplace above the Tier 3 level here and pay attention to model numbers, not just brands.: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1804779/power-supply-unit-tier-list.html ) or you'll be wasting your money. Here is a good PSU that would work fine for you and probably cost close to or less than your cooling idea at 129.00.

I did my calculation for psu also, 700-750w is about exactly the usage, no much head room.. 2x250w(R9 290) + 80W (i5 3570k) + 80w (MB, 2x4G ram, 1SSD, 2HDD) + 30w (5x fans + led). No dvd drive, all usb devices pluged on monitor (confirmed powered by monitor). So pretty much 700w is everything, which isn't very conformtable but still ok.

If it's a good psu like yours then it should output 750W, so that shouldn't be a problem for you

Yeah, it's ok. But "just" ok. If you ever happen to peak everything at the same time, which is doubtful but could theoretically happen, you've got troubles.

If you were willing to buy a liquid cooler that would probably cost you between 80- 120.00, depending on the cooler, and a good fan, which I'm unsure of your intentions on application of said fan but ok, for somewhere between 10 and 30.00, again depending on the choice, 120.00 for a PSU should be a no brainer.

Of course, it's still 120.00 and money is hard to come by, I know. But at some point, it's probably a good idea and will give you some headroom if you ever decide to OC the cpu or the GPU.
I'm not that confident, I might have mis counted something or under estimated some power usage(hopefully didn't).
I heard keep the psu to 100% load (or > 90%?) isn't good to the psu. Anyway, I won't keep the gpu running full load for more than 3 hours a day.

Some review advised that droping gpu temp for 30c could lower 40w power consumption. I thought it could give me 80w head room... I was prepared to allocate 30w on watercooling pump and extra fans...
if it worked, I wish to have at least 50w or prefer 100w head room.
If it was that easy, everybody would be doing it. Apparently, they are not. Get the PSU when you can afford it and then you can run your GPU's at full power anytime you want. And by the way, three hours or three minutes, it doesn't really matter if the load is too large.
I try to save the psu because I just got it new. It is able to accommodate all I need, although might not in a comfortable manner... I'm trying to figure out a way to help the PSU a little.

I think I need a water cooling anyway because these are 2 hot cards and the space in between is terrible. I can hardly save on it. However, if I don't get power reduction from lower gpu temp, I definitely will have to replace psu to build the loop.


yes, sounds good, and maybe add more fans to your case so the top card gets more air?
Does your case have a side vent where you could add a fan? If not, you might think about modifying the side panel by cutting a fan hole there or just a bunch of smaller holes so you could add another intake fan there that would blow directly on the cards. If those cards are not overclocked and if you have good case fan ventilation, you shouldn't have a heat issue as long as their coolers are operating properly.

Of course, if you don't have good air flow through the case, then all the fans on your GPU cards are doing is blowing hot air. What kind of case do you have? Can you post a pic or two of your case and the inside arrangement?
I have NZXT H440, air flow is not bad.
My card is not reference design, it's XFX with 2 fans on each. I don't overclock the cards. Hopefully this is not the worst case.