Water Cooling Silver Kill coils?

Jessi Leslie

Jan 28, 2015
i make it short, what is silver kill coils and Biocidal PC Coolant.

i build my water pc, now only waiting for coolant, and i was going to put red color dye, but read some post, and got stuck, and scrad, plz tell me how can i use color dye and stay safe.

or any other option. i love red color bcoz my power supply, motherboard, fans everyting is red.

Silver is posionous so it will kill any bacteria, algea or whatever could grow in your loop. You typically buy them as thin strips that are coiled up, drop them in your reservoir or wherever is safest (read, wont end up in your pump).
Biocide is also poisonous and does the exact same thing (typically a copper based active ingredient), but is a liquid and needs to be re-applied whenever you change the water. You can get it alone (Dead Water or PT-Nuke are common) or whatever coolant you buy may already have a biocidal agent in it.


Nov 9, 2014
You just add on to your loop to stop algae or anything else growing in your coolant by killing it however i have only read over this briefly so you may want to wait for someone who knows more for a more in depth and detailed answer.
Silver is posionous so it will kill any bacteria, algea or whatever could grow in your loop. You typically buy them as thin strips that are coiled up, drop them in your reservoir or wherever is safest (read, wont end up in your pump).
Biocide is also poisonous and does the exact same thing (typically a copper based active ingredient), but is a liquid and needs to be re-applied whenever you change the water. You can get it alone (Dead Water or PT-Nuke are common) or whatever coolant you buy may already have a biocidal agent in it.