Water on PC


Nov 30, 2015
Hi, I just recently (Saturday Nov. 28) spilled water on PC. This is a desktop component, with vents at the top in which the water went in. Right then I tilted the PC for the water to flow to the side, and missed everything accept my Neon Light system, and the power supply. After 10 or so seconds, the PC powered off automatically. I was worried so I cleaned everything of water in which a few drops got on the gpu and the rest to the side, something smoked, I was worried it was the mother board, but it was the Neon lights I believe as that was where the smoke was coming from.

I powered it on and nothing happened, it has just completely shut its self off.

I know I am dumb, and learned a lesson. My questions are, am I *? Is my PC a goner? Should I take it to a repair place before I turn it on to avoid fucking myself?

I really hope Im not *, and hoping it is the power supply, which I have another power supply but don't want to replace it till I'm sure.

What makes the situation worse is I have a 4k Monitor and other PC accesories on the way, should I send them back if I am genuinely *?

Thank you.

<Language, please>
Take everything out and let it dry. The PSU is probably dead, but if you are lucky the motherboard survived. When you are sure everything is dried off, reassemble the build with the other PSU. If it still doesn't work, order a new motherboard. The CPU is probably fine and the same for RAM and GPU, along with drives. And test your PSU, it might work, but they tend to be the first to go.
Take everything out and let it dry. The PSU is probably dead, but if you are lucky the motherboard survived. When you are sure everything is dried off, reassemble the build with the other PSU. If it still doesn't work, order a new motherboard. The CPU is probably fine and the same for RAM and GPU, along with drives. And test your PSU, it might work, but they tend to be the first to go.
Your power supply might be a goner because the PC shut down 'automatically'. But I am not sure since I never had such an accident.

Just let everything dry for a good 24 hours, best some days to be very sure there is no water left on the components. A bit of water does no harm as long as there is no current flowing through the components. I hope your PSU died before the rest of your parts, because then they might still work fine.

Unplug everything from your PSU to prevent damage and test your PSU if it still works and the fan spins, if it is dead you can replace it and test the components.

I hope it is the PSU too, and all your components are still fine.
@Computersloeber , @ComputerSecurityGuy

Thanks, and I believe you're both right. The PSU is done for. The Mother Board is a Gigabyte an expensive mother board, so, it cut power to the unit immediately. The smoke came from my neon light pack confirmed by a friend going into IT.

It seems dry right now, so I am going to Microcenter for a new PSU.

Thanks for the help, will keep you updated.

Well my PC works! But it wasn't the PSU! I had got the PSU and a new Video Card for my back up PC. And found that my back up PC was still not working with the PC, but that my main PC was working. Without installing the new PSU my PC powered up after restarting the COMC, and it turned on! But it was the Video card that was shot. I'm not sure how, but it happened. So installed my other part and and it is up and running right now as I type! Thanks for the thread everyone.