Water spilled inside computer please help

May 30, 2018
Made a stupid mistake and left a uncapped water bottle on top of my desk, went to grab it without seeing it and hit it down which caused it to fall and leak inside my computer case, I unplugged everything and didn’t have any compressed air around so did what I could with some cloth and it’s currently booting up but I’m getting a no rgb signal on my monitor, the bottom of the graphics card was a little wet but was nothing major, is the computer done for or is there something I could do? Really need it for the upcoming weeks for school.
The drying is a given, but the residues will remain on components PCBs and circuitry, thus avoid running/powering on PC all together and perform the recommended alcohol cleansing.


Jun 10, 2017
Only a little bit of water should have entered your computer. Just leave your computer out to dry for a bit and then turn it back on. It shouldn't have caused any major damage so you should still be able to use it without much problem.


Remove graphic card from case, get the remainder fluid out of the card it by extensively blowing on it with compressed air can, wipe off meticulously in 2 passes all accessible surfaces (PCB, connectors,motherboard PCIe slot etc) with alcohol pads to remove visible and invisible residues left by the spill, let air dry for few hours
If not successful apply same treatment to your motherboard and other suspected affected components in the case (I would do motherboard cleansing with the card regardless)
(this job is best done with card completely disassembled but would void card warranty)
May 30, 2018

It turned on and recognized the graphics card but became extremely glitchy freezing every couple seconds and eventually turning off, after restarting more, its not recognizing the card though it is still spinning in the computer, I'm on intel hd now with it turning on but the compuer is still acting weird, should I let it sit and dry more?


Jun 16, 2017
unplug everything open your pc case and let it dry under a fan or let it dry by own.. dont power it own it will make it even worse.. let it dry for atleast 26 hours.. u can also remove your gpu and cpu and other fans for faster drying.. it should work unless it got short circuited .. dont loose hope.