Water wont flow through system


Jul 6, 2017
Im actually having some trouble with a water loop. I installed it with out video cards because they were in the mail and the loop worked but after installing the two video cards it wont pump and even seems to have some back pressure as i saw the water going up the return tube. I pulled the graphic cards and it worked again, I ran the loop only through the cards back to the resevore and it still would work. The cards are brand new evga hydro copper 1080ti so Im not sure what could be causing this.

water not pumping by Stephen Bakle, on Flickr

Update: Ok i took both cards out and placed just one card in the loop so it went reservoir -> d5 pump -> evga hydro copper -> reservoir and it still would not pump through the card.
It has a cover over it but when I take it off i can see through it, I can see small amounts of water going into it but I was told I should be able to blow through it, and I cant. Are you suppose to be able to blow through all gpu water blocks?

By blow through, you mean blow air through? Yes, if you can't, there's a blockage, and that would prevent water from flowing. Have you checked both cards?

Yes, I blew through both, today I called evga and they are sending me out some new cards