Watercooling pump detached and drowned my GPU


Sep 4, 2012
So this happened literally 10 minutes ago.

Recently I posted a thread about my Kelvin T12 would make weird noises and sometimes over-heat when not mounted in a specific way (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2873291/kelvin-t12-overheats-vertical.html) I resolved it and did not think much more of it. Tho about a week ago, I bought some new parts including a new MB, CPU and a new case.

this time I made sure to mount the watercooling correctly and followed the instructions perfectly. The PC ran fine. Until just now. I just bought Far Cry 3 and had been playing it for about 15 minutes when my screen turned black and told me there was no signal. "oh shit..!" So I opened the case and the hose was loose. The GPU was covered in water (or whatever it's called).
Honestly I just laughed because this is my typical luck really... I instantly, but carefully, remove the entire watercooling and the GPU and made sure no more waterdmage was done. The PCI slot had some water on it, but I THINK the MB is still alive.

Anyways... When removing the cooling block it was VERY hot, way hotter then I think it should be. But still... the T12 should be able to handle high temps without breaking like this. right?

I have made a support ticket to fractal design and I seriously hope they will reimburse me for both the cooling unit and my GPU. What do you guys think will happen?

This might not be the most relevant post to put on this forum, but right now I just really want to know if this is somehow my fault or not. These tickets from big companies like this can take forever, so in the meantime id love to hear you guys' opinion on the matter.

The timing is awful as well as I'm in the middle of my exams and i need my computer badly :(

Either way.. thanks for reading! Hopefully I'm the only one here that have had this happen to.


There was something wrong with the way it must have been installed for it to just come loose. If the card was covered in water then its done for, and the MOBO PCI slot will most likely never work again, I would reccomend getting a new one. water damage is very hard to find, and it can lead to a ton of future issues when it comes to the MOBO and other components.
Short Circuits are no joke.


Sep 4, 2012

There is no way I did not install it correctly. I've built several computers before (all with watercooling) and I like to think I have a pretty decent idea abut what I'm doing. I also usually just start installing things without checking the maual, but this time I really did read it all. This is how it was installed https://goo.gl/photos/xMrSDnruWbinNKDj6 I tmight look in the picture that the radiator is very close to the block, but it was not really a lot of tension on the hose.

I do think that I actually got a fault product that had issues with water circulation/heating and that the heat made the rubber hose actually slip out. Like I said, it was VERY hot.
Read the Warranty from the companies site.

I seriously doubt you'd be compensated for other components.

As said, it does sound like you mounted something incorrectly otherwise I don't see why the hose would come loose.

GPU damaged?
You asked whether you'd get reimbursed, but i don't think you said if it was damaged (how would you know?).

I suspect the GPU is fine though I'd Google how to properly clean one that has coolant on it (I'm not sure how much that matters).


Sep 4, 2012

the GPU was literally SOAKED in water while the system was running. There is NO way it will ever come back to life, unfortunately :(
If you think it's a faulty product, then that's between you and the manufacturer.

I can't tell from the picture.

This is one of the reasons I stay away from liquid cooling. I like knowing that the worst-case with my NOCTUA is that the fan fails (and I can actually still game with no fan).



Same here. My air coolers will never pee all over my hardware.


Sep 4, 2012

I just cant imagine the hose being that weak :p Popping out like that...

I apologize as i didn't give the best advice. For some reason I thought you had attached the cables yourself, but it appears to be a pre-built kit. Perhaps because the kits I saw didn't have what appears to be a tightening mechanism on the end of the hose (ones I saw were permanently glued and clamped down).

*The manufacturer site points to that point and says "expandable system" so you can disconnect that, so I'm not clear if yours wasn't connected properly or simply BROKE.

I'm looking right now at your picture, though it's probably obvious to you if it's broken.

Anyway, there's really nothing you could do wrong other than yank hard on the hose.

I'm still not sure how you can that your GPU is absolutely defective. I'm not sure if the coolant used had enough electrical conductivity to do damage or not.


Sep 4, 2012
Just had a chat with the store that I bought all the parts from (huge retailer here in Norway) and they kindly asked me to send them the entire PC and they would replace all the broken parts for free :)

That's good.
Hopefully you aren't paying any shipping...


Sep 4, 2012

No shipping :) Tho ill actually drive the PC there myself as I need to get this done ASAP :p