I have been told: One other thing to consider overclocking generates a lot of heat, while the hyper 212 is one of the best, it's still an air cooler.
You may want to consider an all in one water cooler like these:
they do cost a bit more, but they are quieter and cool much more efficiently. Also they remove the heat directly from the CPU AND the case, where the 212 is just going to heat the entire case inside, combined with the GPU it'll get hot in there pretty quick.
You wont be able to hold an overclock without crashing if you cant deal with the heat it produces.
About http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kZFXBm
I have been looking around at watercoolers, and do not know what a good cheaper one would be. I've been looking around at items like the seidon 120 and such, but I need some clarification on a good cooler I can use for this (as you can see) budget build.
You may want to consider an all in one water cooler like these:
they do cost a bit more, but they are quieter and cool much more efficiently. Also they remove the heat directly from the CPU AND the case, where the 212 is just going to heat the entire case inside, combined with the GPU it'll get hot in there pretty quick.
You wont be able to hold an overclock without crashing if you cant deal with the heat it produces.
About http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kZFXBm
I have been looking around at watercoolers, and do not know what a good cheaper one would be. I've been looking around at items like the seidon 120 and such, but I need some clarification on a good cooler I can use for this (as you can see) budget build.