Watercooling: Where to start?


Apr 21, 2010
Hi I am going to be upgrading from my 600T to a 750D later on this month or next month. I want to start watercooling my system for a couple of reasons, reason 1 being because I want to set up watercooling, seems like it'll be challenging which is something I'm looking forward to. Reason 2, I want my system to be as a cool as possible. So where do I start? I've researched a bit and it's a little overwhelming because I'm not sure which manufactures I should go with, which parts are good or bad. Any help would be much appreciated.

Edit 1: Also if the 750D isn't a good case for watercooling, then recommendations for better cases will also be appreciated.
First, read everything you can get your hands on, everything. 2nd, be ready to spend some cash, just a good CPU loop can run ya into the couple hundreds or more depending on what you get. 3rd overkill overkill overkill, but not on expensive parts. I've found that extra tubing and fittings and bendies and such makes for an easier time when I decide my loop isn't *quite* right. I just got into water cooling this last Christmas, and I bought all the stuff myself, and I've probably got 500 - 600 into it, not all of it am I using, but that's how much I've spent give or take, maybe more, probably more. It's fun. I like to tinker, so in the last 6 and a half months, I've redone my loop probably 10 times, it gets better/cooler every time...
First, read everything you can get your hands on, everything. 2nd, be ready to spend some cash, just a good CPU loop can run ya into the couple hundreds or more depending on what you get. 3rd overkill overkill overkill, but not on expensive parts. I've found that extra tubing and fittings and bendies and such makes for an easier time when I decide my loop isn't *quite* right. I just got into water cooling this last Christmas, and I bought all the stuff myself, and I've probably got 500 - 600 into it, not all of it am I using, but that's how much I've spent give or take, maybe more, probably more. It's fun. I like to tinker, so in the last 6 and a half months, I've redone my loop probably 10 times, it gets better/cooler every time. I've changed out pumps and radiators, all my fans several times. The only thing that's the same as the loop I originally built is the fittings. I read everything I could, and it just doesn't hit everything that might happen, or might not, or things you might run into, or might not. I drew out my first loop, and then when I got all the parts, it didn't quite fit right, so I modded, then I changed out parts, different here, better there, my first pump dieded and they didn't warranty it if you didn't use their coolant, so then I started reading heavy into the warranties on stuff. Just plan out your chickens first, then double check, order more tubing than you think you'll ever need. I have been really happy with EKs quality, they have my backing on whatever they do, and if they mess it up, they try to make it right. You need a block for everything you want heat to come away from, a reservoir, a pump, and a radiator, the rest is small stuff. Get the bigggest radiator that will fit into your case easily. Get good fans to push air through the radiator, fan control is awesome. Plan for a way to easily empty your loop, that way if you need to make adjustments, you can do that without going through a ton of trouble adding and subtracting stuff.

Great info, I just have one question should I go with soft tubing or hard tubing?