wawwter cooling components


Jan 14, 2017
hi, i am new and i am learning, i wawnt to do water cooling with my gpu and cpu and my motherboard that already have mother block and maybe with my ram, but idk wwhich components i have select, like wwhat fan tubes etc, if someone can help me pls ? 😀
i have
chasis cougar mx 300
intel i7 7700k
gtx 760 acx (i need to buy wwater block)
ram 2x8 corsair 3200 ddr4
formula asus ix
If your GPU is overheating then either it's too hot in the room or you are pushing it in games and settings which it can't handle, so yeah you will be fine.
Water cooling the i7-770k might be a bit pointless, since you can get 95% the performance on air, but that can be arranged. However OCing the 760, is a waste. A water block for the 760 will cost as much a 1050ti and it will perform way better. So better sell the 760 and get a new GPU with the money you want to spend on water cooling, you will get better performance that way.

but i have my gpu all the time on 80c and my gpu get toasted one time, u think i should better do an air cooling ??

or maybe i should go with a corsair h100i v2

so h100v2 and air for my gpu? anyway i wwill change my gpu

ok so i will get some noctua fans and the cpu watercooling, u think that with that i wont get toassted again on my gpu xD?