Ways to secure a pc (on a desk) in place ?


Aug 24, 2014
Hello guys ,
I almost got my pc destroyed by falling over my desk , I want to prevent that from happening again .
You see , my desk is placed at the left-up corner of my room , making my pc act like an office desk wall while beeing in the right side of my desk . My desk faces a wall beside a window that lies about 30cm right from the pc tower .
So , my question is ;
Is there a way to secure a tower on a desk in place so that like a push wont turn it over ? Some kind of bards or what ever coming from the wall or a desk mod ?Or anything at all ?

Thank you in advance. :)

PizzaTheHutt , I dont want to place my pc upside down , but its a good suggestion overall ....

Mr5oh , I am not that confident that the desk will be able to hold it in case of turning over and that it will take damage ... I will mark my hardware two that way , but it is the most effective solution out of all . The case is a corsair 450D btw . I was looking for something more eligant as a solution ( sorry for making it so difucult for you guys )
PizzaTheHutt yes I really don't , but yet again its not that eligant , but it's an option :)

faalin my case is a corsair 450D , it doesn't have a flat stand , it has 3cm tall feet .
If you can find a way to apply this in that case , well , propose it .

J_E_D_70 I don't want to place it under , I want to see it and also there is no room on my feet .