WD Announces My Cloud Personal Cloud for Consumers

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Cloud storage isn't limited to a businesses, people can have their own personal cloud with the right setup or product.

How is this different? It's different because it's a consumer friendly device that can be easily setup by most people.
Wouldn't a 'cloud' solution, as against a straightforward NAS, also include the ability to run apps as this WD one does? In that way, NASs are evolving as it seems a number are now starting to include app capability, thus turning them into home servers which effectively means they are personal cloud devices rather than just storage.

Putting stuff on a public (or someone else's) cloud, no.

But having your own cloud, connected to your own internet connection seems workable to me. You get your storage within your own borders, under your own control with no NSA hacks getting in (theoretically), plus you get to do synchronization as well. Best of both worlds as far as I can see :)
Dont know why there are so many anti cloud people. If the NSA takes the time to get into my skydrive account and look through my uni assignments, go nuts, nothing that is gonna break my balls there. If you have sensitive info, encrypt it before uploading, use a 256bit key, its not rocket science. If you have something so vital you dont want the NSA decrypting it(and spending a long time doing so), keep it on a usb drive, worked for ages before cloud drives existed.

I agree, if I could find a good offsite cloud storage solution provided as a service I would back up all my data to it in a heartbeat. I'm really not too concerned if an NSA employee happens upon my family photos, my autoit scripts or my school work from 10 years ago. If I had something private I wanted to securely backup, I would encrypt it before hand.

With that being said, the reason I have a problem with NSA spying is mostly in principal. It is important to keep your government under control with boundaries on privacy or anything for that matter, it is our job as citizens. Remember, a government is a beast that will never stop attempting to gain more control over its subjects(by nature not because of evil) and its OUR DUTY to keep them in check. The best thing we can do is stay informed and vote!
Yer dont get me wrong, I think its a gross violation of a persons rights and a disgusting abuse of power as well.

But I have skydrive from my office subscription and store few gigs on there, but anything private or sensitive is encrypted, simple as that.
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