WD Elements 1048 Problem


Aug 17, 2015
Hi. I'm a computer literate but I am not so familiar with the terms / words that I need to use here so that you could understand my problem, so please be patient with me. :)
I owned a WD Elements 1048 external hard disk. My problem is I cannot open the content / files written on it. Every time I plugged in the port, you can see that its working but when I go to my computer, I cannot find the device.

When I check it in the "show hidden icons" and click safely remove, there are options, its either Open Devices and Printers or Eject Elements 1048.

So my problem is how can I see all the files on it? Or if I have no choice and I cannot recover it, how can I format my hard disk since I cannot see it in "my computer / devices and drives"???

Hey there, Emzee13.

Sorry to hear about the issues you're having with your drive. First, I'd recommend that you try to assign the drive a new letter by going into Disk Management and following those instructions: How to change the drive letter assignment in Windows. After that check if the drive is shown in Windows Explorer (My Computer). If that doesn't help, I'd recommend that you try the HDD with a different computer and a different USB cable, to see if the same thing happens.

Please let me know how everything goes.