WD green HD load cycle count


May 6, 2013
Hello all,

I've been having issues while playing games such as Amnesia: The Dark Descent and World of Warcarft when these games are installed on my WD20EARX 2TB Green hard drive. I have these tiny freezes that frequently occur for an unknown reason, and it's quite annoying. It seems to happen when I load something, such as a sound file or an image (the map, a new icon, picking up an item, targeting another player, etc).

Now I've been searching around the internet for a solution, but haven't really found one yet. I've ran, however, into multiple threads about people complaining about WD Green HDs. They apparently have something called "Intellipark", which parks the heads to save energy. It does this every 8 seconds when the drive is inactive.

Now, I'm absolutely not sure if that could be causing my issue. I've seen people complain about very high load cycle counts caused by this parking, but when I check mine, it's only up to 188, which seems very low compared to what I've seen other people post.

Could my issue be related to Intellipark? And how can I tell my parking is set to every 8 seconds, because those 188 cycles seem surprisingly low?

Many thanks in advance for your reply!
you can change the timer for that by downloading wdidle.exe from western digitals site. You will need to run it from a dos boot disk I beleive and only have the drive you want to change plugged in. At least I hope this is still a working solution for the earx models.

Thank you for your reply. I know that already, though. I'm just wondering if this freezing issue can be caused by my HD parking heads all the time. Also, I'm wondering whether Intellipark is even enabled for my HD, since my load cycle count is only 188, which is MUCH lower than what I've seen for other people with the same HD.

I would think that with what you are describing that if its an HDD issue it would be that the drive is spinning down. Unparking the heads is rather quick but spinning up can take several seconds. What I don't knos is if the earx spins down when it parks the heads or just switches to a lower spin speed (WD did used to say they were a variable rpm drive) because I doubt parking the heads would actually save power.

I would try changing the timer to 300 (apparently 0, for never, has issues) and setting the hdd to never spin down in the advanced power plan settings.