Weak Power supply for RX 480?

Your whole system should only draw about 400-450w max so in theory you are fine.

That particular PSU however is known for issues under heavier draw, particularly with powerful GPUs even below its rated wattage.

Its not going to burn your house down, however if you start running into stability issues, especially if you overclock, that is DEFINITELY the cause.
Your whole system should only draw about 400-450w max so in theory you are fine.

That particular PSU however is known for issues under heavier draw, particularly with powerful GPUs even below its rated wattage.

Its not going to burn your house down, however if you start running into stability issues, especially if you overclock, that is DEFINITELY the cause.

Thank you for advise!
Could you tell me how can I spot these stability issues?

Pretty easy, if your computer crashes and reboots often while playing a game, you need a new PSU.
I disagree with RL that your power draw will be 400+. Part of the problem the RX480 has is they used a 6pin only on it, and it draws extra power from the board. But it's still limited to 150W though can draw more power then that but not by much. It really should be more like a 170W part and have an 8pin plug so it keeps the power down on the board. But at 150W + everything else you have the system draw will be much closer to 300W. My 7950 is a 200W card and my system draw is around 325W. At stock clocks there is no way your system with a 480 will draw ~100W then mine. (I have a total of 4 drives, an i7, and 16GBs of ram btw...)

At only half of the output of your PSU you should be fine. I would be very careful with OCing, but running stock clocks I don't see an issue with your PSU. As he said if you get odd reboots or blue screens then you most likely have a power problem. Replace when this happens.

The reason I say that is I have measured my own system (with an RX 480) at a max 409w power draw while benchmarking.

With a 4690k and any overclocking it is entirely plausable that his system could hit the same or more.

I am planning to buy non reference rx 480 and those card will be overclocked..
Will that be a problem? For example if I buy Sapphire Nitro which is OC will I have high chance of stability issues?
With the CX any GPU will give you a chance of stability issues in my experience. However you may get lucky and it will work fine. IMO don't spend money unless you have to, try it out and if you have a problem, replace it. Luckily the CX is still a corsair, so its not house fire quality.

Last question 😀 Could I have graphical artifacts in games when textures will stretch wierdly caused by my PSU?
Mainly when I played Bf4 but If I played for example cs go for a long time I would get these artifacts too
Is this caused by gpu only or it can be caused by PSU too?
This is on my 280x but sometimes I play Bf4 for hour and a half and nothing happens 😀
I just want to eleminate these problem by my upgrade 😀