webcam asus issue

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USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam is what is suggested it be in device manager (with no yellow exclamation mark) and it's inbuilt on my ASUS F550L as purchased with windows 8.1...I tried to uninstall webcam via device manager last night but it was back almost instantly (have read this on other forum with no solution)...I have just installed Asus lifeframe software as I couldn't find any other software installed to run it...comes up with error box suggesting 'A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
I am reading Asus have many issues with their webcams usually after win 10 upgrade..although I don't believe mine has been upgraded to 10 (unless my system is lying to me as states win 8.1) and my PC suggests the driver is the most up to date version...
I can't find anything on the ASUS site and they haven't returned my query...

What are you using to see if the webcam is working?
I tried facebook and also a few crypto currency exchange sites (my main reason for wanting it to work as I need it for ID verification etc)...never needed to use webcam in the past, so virtually unused!!!
I got it to work briefly yesterday after installing flash debugger...then wouldn't work...then tried it via Linux OS which worked..I am finding I am also having issues with my USB ports now as mouse not functional on 1 both via win 8.1 an d now think it might be more a USB issue..
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