Website and Video Playback Errors


Jul 1, 2014
So i currently live in California and have Comcast Internet Service. For the past week now i have been getting website and video playback errors. I took a few pictures of the 2 main errors i get, and the errors seem to temporarily go away if i use a vpn connection on my desktop. Wanted to know if anyone has encountered this before as it affects everyone on the same router, not allowed to play videos or access some websites. If anyone has an idea or a fix would be greatly appreciated.
Also my internet speed is over 110 Mbps download about 8-9 upload.
Also Also! Flash Player does not install on any search engine like Chrome, Firefox, internet explorer, etc.



Speed is Over 100 Mbps Download
But i am going to try to call

Firefox does not work either.
It wouldn't make sense though if flash corrupted on every device that doesn't work in the house
might something be not working on the router stopping flash from working?
Also found out that i have trouble displaying HTML5