Website tips for renewable energy companies

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Apr 28, 2010
Here are a few important tips from the latest news, highly useful for renewable energy companies, while making a new website.

These are just the basic tips for the making of a professional website. To know more about you can go for a detailed internet search on the various aspects of making a renewable energy company website.

1. Try to gather all the key decision makers together and make them sign the necessary documents that spell out the goals of the site. Your site needs to focus on its main goals. So go-ahead and list your priorities. You should also decide the top goal.

2. ‘Define your audiences’ says Ted Page, one of the leaders of the industry. Try to have a clear cut idea of the group of people whom you target mainly. Once you have a clear cut idea about this you can easily start creating buyer personas for each of the targeted groups. The buyer personas should have the key details about the group.
3. Most of the websites fail to make their offers clear. This creates a lot of confusing among the users. Hence you have to make yourselves and your offers clearly in your website.
4. Just because you are in to clean energy business you need not put the picture of a child running through fields, or birds chirping. Through the website you are letting people know about the various techniques to save money, be efficient, and do sustainable clean energy business.
5. Make your website simple. The basic idea of clean energy is being pollution free. Make this clear in your design.
6. Make things easy for customers. Don’t assume that the user knows everything. While designing your website you need to put yourselves in their shoes, to know about their needs. Make sure that the page spells out your technology in an understandable way. The images and the other design elements should reinforce your points clearly.
7. Add a professional video and integrate it in to the design properly.
8. Most of the search engines like websites which are frequently updated. So update your website whenever possible. Among the content, the news from your company is the easiest section to update on a regular basis.
9. Integrate your website with the major social networking websites
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