Websites to buy mobos


Feb 13, 2012
don't mind the sub category, didn't know what to make it 😛 anyway, don't suggest newegg -.- I'm in Canada too, so of you guys know of any, hopefully they will treat Canada like newegg treats the US 🙁 the sales on are always atleast half and the prices are just generally higher. it sucks. really good mobos refurbished just like new but dont come with drivers just get them off the website and ul be fine i got a 150doller mobo for 60 bucks if you cant find one you like from there your best bet would probbly be newegg/tigerdirect.

Yw they have good deals on cases and processors too they wont come with heatsinks tho so should add the price of one onto how much they cost.

thanks for the heads up. il stick to newegg for the CPUs and cases though. the 2500 is on there for 130$ and the 2500k is on newegg for 125 that comes with heatsink XD prices should drop soon too cuz the new sandy bridges are coming next month! 😀 same with the new nvidia GPUs.