Websites won't load, but i can access devices inside the network from the outside

Jun 27, 2018
I have a Huawei e5186 LTE CAT6 Router with an 150/50mbits connection. I recently came across this very weird bug, where from inside the network certain websites (most of the time ssl servers, but not all of them) just will not load. The browser attempts to load but eventually just gives a timeout error. Sometimes when i reload the websites they suddenly work, sometimes they dont.The websites itself are also not persistent so one website might work and 5 minutes later it just wont load or very slowly. The error occurs from every device inside the network. The interesting part is: when i acess a device from outside the network using for example teamviewer the connection works fine. But if i try acessing websites on the remotely controlled device it gives the same timeout error. So it can't really be the connection, as the connection itself obviously works. If i try to ping websites, sometimes it works, sometimes there is packet loss, however, dns resolution always works.
I am very thankfull for any ideas.
The problem itself sounds like packet loss (connection timing out) due to an overloaded or malfunctioning router between you and web servers. But, it seems when you connect to your network from outside the connection does not pass through this router. This could be a coincidence or because outbound traffic is being routed that way intentionally (VPN?).

I would be curious as to what you would see if you did a tracert from inside your network to google or something and then also did a tracert from outside your network back in. There should be overlap in the first few router of the first trace and the last few routers on the second trace. I would also be interested in doing ping tests ("ping - n 100 x.x.x.x") to some of the routers on the tracert to see if you can figure out where the slow down is. Signs of a problem would be packet loss of more than 2% and wildly varying ping times.

Thanks for the input, i will try that in the evening.

As to the general setup, i have 7 unifi aps, 2 unifi apac lite, one cloud key running the controller and a USG 3P (but i removed the usg 3p, because i initially thought it to be the problem, however removing it did not change anything.)
All unifi devices are running on newest firmware, the issues persist on all devices, no matter if connected via wifi or directly via lan, from each point within the network. i can ping every device inside the network just fine.


So i did a tracert to another internet connection and back home from there.
At the side of the remote connection there are some similar servers (varying only 1 digit, so i guess one server for upload one for download) but at the beginning of the connection (the one where i experience the problem) there are only timeouts and those few servers that reply are completely different.

Another thing i noticed is, that as long as i have only one client connected , everything works fine (and i get full speeds even at primetime), but once i connect my whole network after while the problem just suddenly pops up.

Interesting ... I was thinking it was something outside your network. Is it possible that 2 devices have the same IP address? This can cause all kinds of strange problems.

Not really, i have a very clear setup inside, and my dhcp table shows every ip only once. how would i find such an issue?
If you do all your IP allocation by DHCP, then 2 devices with the same iP address is unlikely.

I would start with just one device connected and then slowly start turning on your devices one at a time and retest. If the problem is inside your network, then the problem will popup when you turn on the culprit.

** BTW, 9 access points? Is this a really big building or do you have very thick walls ... or something else.