Solution clutchc Mar 18, 2014 Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with.
Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with.
clutchc Titan Ambassador Apr 22, 2009 43,153 409 131,790 Mar 18, 2014 Solution #2 Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with.
P pawarvinay47 Reputable Mar 7, 2014 94 0 4,630 Mar 19, 2014 #3 clutchc : Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with. and gt 640 gives score Upvote 0 Downvote
clutchc : Since it is the equivalent of the older HD 6670, I'd say about a 6.9 in graphics. If it has a decent CPU to work with. and gt 640 gives score
V vikas_sharma Reputable Apr 3, 2014 61 0 4,630 Apr 21, 2014 #4 pawarvinay47 : WEI score for R7 240 in win 7 i have ddr5 version and wei rating is 7.1 for both aero and gaming performance Upvote 0 Downvote
pawarvinay47 : WEI score for R7 240 in win 7 i have ddr5 version and wei rating is 7.1 for both aero and gaming performance