Question weir crashes after updating bios on ga-gx370 gaming k5 rev 1.x


Apr 27, 2012
Hi , recently I've updated the bios of my motherboard from v3 to v31. I first ran the mb driver 638_ apu. and then I flashed the bios from v3 to v31. but after that I have a lot of crashes, blue screen telling that the system will restart. I've redo the process and flashes again, and it look like it was ok this time, but is happening again. I have something like error attempted rewriting memory something....I have seem 2 of is something I did wrong ? what is the process...should I go to reflash with version 40 of the bios? or it is something that I have to download extra . I have downloaded and installed the ecfwupdate tool but I have no idea how it will work...please someone help me?
You're advised to gradually work your way to the latest BIOS version, not jump to the latest version (with your eyes closed and hope for the best).

You know what? This is a thread of troubleshooting nature, please list the specs to your build like so:
OS: include OS version(not edition) if on Windows 10
cpu rizen 7 1700x
motherboard ga-ax370 gamin k7 rev1.x , my bios is now v31 ...I've just ran(yesterday) the ucfw tool and it instantly went to v3 (stock bios) , i run again amd driver 638 apu again, and reinstall bios v 31 , in the GA website they said to run it before going to v40, I haven't had a crash now, and I apparently could put my ram in 2400 mhz ( it is supposed to be 3000)
Ram 32gb (4 of 8gb) geil evo potenza amd 16gb 288-pin ddr4 3000(pc4 24000) intel xmp 2.0
ssd: 250gb system
hdd: 1tb
psu 500 w corsair cx500 80 plus bronze
chassis deepcool baronkase liquid atx mid tower.
os: windows 10 pro
btw before running the ucfw tool I could use my mouse in the bios , but now I can't...there is something that has to do with usb legacy thing, should I put it on auto?