My desktop PC started playing up very strangely a couple of days ago.
Chrome will no longer download any pages, my email client Thunderbird will not download any emails, my Steam account cannot connect to the server, and I cannot connect to the Discord server.
I can use Edge to download any webpages
I can run Elite Dangerous Odyssey, so it connects to that server OK.
I have asked elsewhere and have tried:
My Windows 11 laptop using the same router and Wi-Fi has no problem using Chrome at all.
It's driving me mad.
Chrome will no longer download any pages, my email client Thunderbird will not download any emails, my Steam account cannot connect to the server, and I cannot connect to the Discord server.
I can use Edge to download any webpages
I can run Elite Dangerous Odyssey, so it connects to that server OK.
I have asked elsewhere and have tried:
- uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome and Thunderbird
- reset DNS under system
- used admin command prompt to run a load of DNS commands suggested by other websites
- used Malwarebytes in safe mode and quarantined anything that it came up with
- installed all the latest drivers
- tried Ethernet and Wi-Fi
My Windows 11 laptop using the same router and Wi-Fi has no problem using Chrome at all.
It's driving me mad.