Weird bug with Windows 10!


Sep 26, 2016
So recently something happened to my computer, and I figured out the source of the bug after about a week or so.. When my computer goes into a sleep mode, then I wake it up, and then do a restart or just simply a shutdown, afterwards when I turn my pc on, "CMOS checksum bad" will appear on my POST screen! (No it's not battery, nor motherboard, not even any of my hardwares - I tested everything).
This stuff came since an update I guess, because when Windows 10 was first released, everything worked fine.
My OS is on an SSD drive with AHCI enabled, and there's a HDD next to it.
-So basically what I'm thinking is that my motherboard cmos chip is no longer compatible or supported since Windows 10's genius latest update.... -_- I didn't change any component in my pc.
What I basically done so far, is installed a Windows 7 on my HDD (not SSD), then put my comp into sleep mode, then restart, and everything was fine. Problem is that I love Windows 10, because of the UI. What do you guys think? Do you have any solution or tip that I could try out? (I already did a full Windows 10 restor into factory defaults - no use).
There must be something with the TIME. When I put my comp into sleep mode, then wake it up - it doesn't sync the time with the CMOS which will cause the problem, and the OS and CMOS checksum will not be the same. 🙁 Perhaps my mobo ain't know the Windows 10's new "sleeping levels"?
It was an update from win 7 basically. There's no problem with the waking up, it wakes up perfectly. The problem comes afterward, when I decide to turn off my pc. When I next start my computer, every CMOS setting is reset and I have to configure it again. Pretty confusing. If I don't let my computer to sleep, then turn it off and then turn it on - won't cause any problem. So I'm 100% sure that there's something with the registry or the OS itself - aka software related and not hardware (thank GOD). My AsRock mobo was bought back in 2010's and it says it supports until Windows 8.1. With the installation of Windows 10 (back to those times when it was released) - there was no such problem like this :/ This kind of error just appeared wildly, like a pokémon :S
I'll go for that yeah :) You suggest me to do an install on my SSD, right? If yes, should I disconnect the other HDD because of the AHCI compatibility later on?
Oh, if I clean install, will I lose my win10 activation? I mean, if I delete the partition (Not gonna formate it because.. ssd) 😀
Oh alrighty then, gonna give it a shot. :) Disconnecting it phisically is a safer option though, since meanwhile installing the OS will recognize the drive, and will somewhat make a chaos over AHCI and legacy SATA 😀 I will recall here as soon as I'm done. Thx for the advice
Nope. After I clean reinstalled win10, everything was fine, sleep->restart sequence was all good. After it downloaded the updates the problem started again. Even after I removed the updates, it continued these problems - so the OS might "stuck or bug" something in.... (clapclap Microsoft). I guess my mobo is too outdated and just can't cath up with the newest OS anymore =/ Gonna buy a new mobo. Anyways, thanks for the tip bro.