Hello everybody, I'd like to ask you all for some help with my system.
I've noticed lately that my xfx hd 7950 (900 MHz stock clock) sometimes drops to 850 MHz throughout an entire "3D session", that is for as long as I play or use benchmarks.
I'm using mostly Unigine Heaven because I want to overclock, but often the clock gets stuck at 850 MHz no matter what I choose it to be in MSI Afterburner, and yes that includes also bringing the clock under 850 MHz. For some reason it just doesn't want to change.
Just to be clear, it doesn't happen always. I've finished lots of benchs in Heaven with some OC on the clock, but I've never been able to do so in firestrike, where I'd always get stuck at 850 MHz even with stock settings.
The only software I'm using is MSI AB and the latest Radeon Software version.
Let me also say that my motherboard is probably defective, it's an old 1156 motherboard that would cost a lot to replace, so I'm just waiting to make an entire new pc, and because of that I really can't be sure if the issue is software or hardware.
I hope somebody will be able to help or to redirect me to a possible solution, so far I've been unsuccessfull.
So, thanks in advance, and if there's something I didn't say or you need more information, don't esitate to ask
I've noticed lately that my xfx hd 7950 (900 MHz stock clock) sometimes drops to 850 MHz throughout an entire "3D session", that is for as long as I play or use benchmarks.
I'm using mostly Unigine Heaven because I want to overclock, but often the clock gets stuck at 850 MHz no matter what I choose it to be in MSI Afterburner, and yes that includes also bringing the clock under 850 MHz. For some reason it just doesn't want to change.
Just to be clear, it doesn't happen always. I've finished lots of benchs in Heaven with some OC on the clock, but I've never been able to do so in firestrike, where I'd always get stuck at 850 MHz even with stock settings.
The only software I'm using is MSI AB and the latest Radeon Software version.
Let me also say that my motherboard is probably defective, it's an old 1156 motherboard that would cost a lot to replace, so I'm just waiting to make an entire new pc, and because of that I really can't be sure if the issue is software or hardware.
I hope somebody will be able to help or to redirect me to a possible solution, so far I've been unsuccessfull.
So, thanks in advance, and if there's something I didn't say or you need more information, don't esitate to ask