Weird file extension on some of my files?


Mar 24, 2011
I'm kinda stumped on what could be the cause of this and how I would go about fixing it. Below is a screenshot of Hashmyfiles of the files affected:


As you can see, I have three identical files of each on separate drives yet two of them show with weird file extensions and the other shown normally. I copied over the files from the drives with those weird extension over but they do not appear on the drive where the extension is shown correctly. I tried copying over the file with the correct extension over the ones with their weird extension files on the other two drives and they still persist with the same extensions....

I'm guessing either the drives are bad or the data is bad but if the data is bad, then why does it show correctly on one of the drives? And if the drives are bad, then how come it doesn't affect the drive that shows it correctly when I copy over the exact same files over the exact same files of the other drive?

....which could be a windows issue? I run Windows 7 x64 Pro if that matters...

I have no idea....
Corruption doesn't start adding what seems to be random Japanese words to the end of file extensions. What is the purpose of these two extra drives? Are they in some sort of RAID or auto backup of your main drive? If they are identical you could try reformatting one of them and then copying over the data from the good drive again to see if the problem replicates itself again or not.

You can check your drives S.M.A.R.T. status to see if they having failing sectors on them.
So then the cause is not data corruption or bad data?

Their purpose is to serve as a backup to the main original source drive. One of them is the IcyDock IcryRAID enclosure in RAID1 with two 10TB drives, and the other one's a 5TB drive with it's controller board (Seagate's) that's starting to have symptoms of it dying(I had just replaced the one that died(Another seagate one, the drive appears to be fine(so I guess I'll make use of it for something else....), but the controller board is dead and I'm not going to fork out $60 or however much the individual controller board cost just to keep it going if I can upgrade to a better system) with this newly acquired IcyDock enclosure), but has the data shown correctly, ie no "japanese words" at the end of the file extensions, which I will eventually replace with another IcyDock IcyRAID enclosure......and then replace the main source drive with one as well and might even go as far as make another backup so I would have one source drive and 3 backup units, so if the source drive dies, I got the 3 backup units to pull data from, so long as they all don't die at the same time.....:ouch:

The issue seems to be happening on the source drive and the IcyDock unit which used the source drive to copy from.... I used Code Compare to compare the entire drive of each with each other and they seem to report back different version of the same folder of some of the folders copied over...

Then I used it to compare that with the Seagate one, and just only the above files were different, despite having the same hashes, which should mean they are identical, however upon investigating the issue further with HashMyFiles, ...yeah, and apparently they're *not* the same because some files have this weird extension format, read by both programs, BUT not in it shows fine as ".ogg"....

Thanks, will check this out...
Thanks, sorry for the long wait, took a while to re-format the drive and kinda forgot about it after letting it go for a good couple of days hah; here's a screeny of CrystalDiskInfo and cmd method thanks to the howtogeek link your provided:

Says all drives are ok, except the IcyDock one which it can't read through.....

I might think the cause is because the directory string is really really long and for some reason this corrupts the file extension names in windows? If you look back at the HashMyFiles screenshot and look a the length of the directory, you can see it is quite long......

I did a test and it confirms so - copied over the files in the same folder that are affected into a shorter directory(say for example, one level above) likeso:

, compared with HashMyFiles and file extensions are clean, move that "good" folder over to the same directory as the bad one that shows the weird extension and the good folder also shows the same weird extension names likeso:

.....but what baffles me is if lengthy directory names is the cause, how come it doesn't affect the other drive, hm?

Is my two drives (the newly acquired IcyDock enclosure and the original source drive) bad or what? ...could be to do with the controller boards - seagate being one where it's competent and icydock and intel failing this?