Weird file in Startup in Task Manager


Apr 19, 2017
So, earlier I was messing around in the Windows settings app's personalization tab and now there is a file named "Brian" in the startup tab. Here is what it is:

Now, I have never seen this before and before you ask, yes, my name is Brian. When I boot up Windows it says "How would you like to open this file?" and it gives me a programs list. I can click anywhere else on the screen and the message goes away. Here is the file location:

It says that it was created over a month ago but I personally have never seen it in the Startup tab. Also, the file is only 107 bytes.

Can I disable it, or should I just delete the file altogether?

UPDATE: I opened the file in notepad and it says:

2018:04:02 15:43:54:965 Could not recognize operation: S!

2018:04:02 15:43:54:969 DifxFrontend failed!
- Did you configure a text to speech software recently as Brian file could belong to IVONA Voice and text-to-speech software.
if you right click on the file brian what information is available about it : file extension (. exe or other? date created, version, original software it belongs to)?
- You could disable this file from starting with windows : in task manager>start up>right click> disable , while you're investigating it.
-Perform full scan with Malware-bytes of your C drive with option for rootkit detection set to high.

I just deleted it, apparently after further research it was a Skype crash note of some sort. Just delete it!