Weird input lag / Feels like vsync is on but it's not

Apr 9, 2018
Hello everyone,

Ok here is my trouble : Since 5 months now, I have a weird input lag with all my peripherals (mouse, controller, graphic tablet...) It feels like the ms are like 100-200, it's not very noticable but when playing games, this ruin the gameplay, playing with a demi second is horrible and I would say, unplayable. And the lag seems to increase sometimes, but never go away. I have to say that before, it was fine and my peripherals were responsive. Oh and, I have microstuttering also, even with 250+ fps. So I think it's the monitor that cause the lag. Here what I did :

So what I did, is that I built a complet new pc (new cpu / new gpu / new psu / new motherboard / new hdd / new hdmi cable)
The things that I haven't changed are (ram, but I sent them to the manufacters and they told me they were fine / cd reader / monitor / mouse / controller / keyboard)
The temperature are fine.
There is no process using ressource on the background.
And all the recent drivers are installed.
Finally I reinstalled Windows 3-4 times.
I also have to say that the input lag/delay occur on the BIOS.
And this is not an electricity problem since I moved to another place and the lag is till there.

And the input lag still persist... ! 🙁

Specs :
16GB ram (4x4)
750W Cooler master 80+ bronze

monitor : Samsung s24d330 (60Hz 1ms)
mouse : G502 logitech
keyboard : K120 logitech
controller : xbox one controller

Yes I did try with and without gpu, with another one, etc. Same for mouse and keyboard. I really don't think that the peripherals are the problems. I plugged my peripherals directly in my new motherbard and I still feels the delay... For me the problem is coming from the monitor but I'm not sure.

So, in my opinion, and with the opinion of the worker that I met on electronic market, we think that it might be the cause of the monitor. Because it will be strange that all of my peripherals are dying at the same time, plus my pc component are new (2week), and I had the delay with my old spec also. So what do you guys think ?

I'm planning to upgrade my monitor to a 144Hz one but I'm afraid to face the issue again...

Please help me
Not sure what else to suggest.

Maybe reinstall the games you play.

Look into the possibility that your ISP is throttling your service.

Could someone else be cheating when you play and slowing you down?
What version of Windows are you using?

Have you run any of the built-in diagnostic tools: e.g., Take Manager, Resource Monitor, Event Viewer, etc. for errors and problems?

Who is your ISP? What level of service are you paying for and what level of service are you recieving?

Going a step forward: What about your own home network? What do you have - there well may be some issue therein.

Overall, consider that there may well be other reasons for the lag. Check the monitor but do, indeed, go beyond that.

Hey I did check on the task manager for process that would take a lot of ressources but I did found nothing. I also have no virus.

My ISP is Swisscom. I actually have the optic fiber (i don't know how it is called in english but my connexion is good (400-500Mbps) So I don't think that's the problem.

Actually I moved from my home to an appartment and the problem still persist.

Go to Resource Monitor then.

Boot as normal and run Resource Monitor. Explore and simply watch your system for a few minutes. At least until everything stabilizes; i.e., no background apps updating, no AV scans, no backups, etc.. going on.

Slide the Resource Monitor window to one side and leave open. Game as normal while watching Resource Monitor. Change tabs about as necessary.

Look for some resource being consumed by one or more processes or services. Especially when the lagging begins.

You can control the sort order by clicking the column headers. High demand processes at the top of the list.

Hey thanks for your help, but the delay occur every time, even in the BIOS.
That's why I thought that it might be my monitor, since I plugged my peripherals directly to the motherboard.
I checked the HZ and it's set to 60Hz. It's very strange and horrible for gaming. I also get the lag on the desktop but It's ok.

So what do you think ?
I ordered a new 144Hz monitor for the next week.
What did you see in Resource monitor?

Key is determining the source or reason for the lag.

If the monitor worked fine five months ago then I would unsure about the monitor being cause.

Do you have access to a couple of other monitors to try? Maybe borrow from friends and family?

Hey Ralston18, thanks for helping,

So ye, in my ressource monitor everything are normal, same for the task manager. There is no thing that use a lot of ressources.
And the thing is that I reinstalled 3 times windows with the CD, so I don't think it's an issue with some process or windows. I get the input lag even in the BIOS.
Oh and the delay came progressively, so for me, since everything are new and I tried other peripherals and the input lag is still there, it's the monitor fault.

What do you think? Do you think it's an issue with another thing?

Whatever, thanks for your answers!

Does not have to be "a lot of resources". Just enough to bottleneck.

Prove that the monitor is the issue.

Try the monitor somewhere else. Try other monitors on your system.

Another thought: if you have reinstalled Windows 3 times it is very likely that some updates have not been made or completed.

E.g. drivers. Or some other buggy bit of code causing the lags.

Keep working on it - very likely that you may catch something that may have been overlooked early on.

Be methodical and thorough.
Question from sashasevar : "Weird Input Lag / Feels like Vsync is ON"

Hello everyone,

Ok here is my trouble : Since 5 months now, I have a weird input lag with all my peripherals (mouse, controller, graphic tablet...) It feels like the ms are like 100-200, it's not very noticable but when playing games, this ruin the gameplay, playing with a demi second is horrible and I would say, unplayable. And the lag seems to increase sometimes, but never go away. I have to say that before, it was fine and my peripherals were responsive. Oh and, I have microstuttering also, even with 250+ fps. So I think it's the monitor that cause the lag. Here what I did :

So what I did, is that I built a complet new pc (new cpu / new gpu / new psu / new motherboard / new hdd / new hdmi cable)
I also reinstalled windows 10 yesterday.
The things that I haven't changed are (ram, but I sent them to the manufacters and they told me they were fine / cd reader / monitor / mouse / controller / keyboard)
I also reinstalled windows multiple time with the cd and without.
All the recent drivers are installed.

And the input lag still persist... ! 🙁

Specs :
GTX1070Ti 8gb Vram
I5-8600K 3.6GHz (4.3GHz turbo)
Gigabytes Z370 HD3
16GB ram (4x4) DDR4 3000mHz (XMP)
750W Cooler master 80+ bronze

monitor : Samsung s24d330 (60Hz 1ms)
mouse : G502 logitech
keyboard : K120 logitech
controller : xbox one controller

Temperature are fine.
No proces using a lot of ressources.
I did not overcloak.
I have a very good connexion (ethernet ~400mb/s).
It's not an electricity problem since I got a new PSU and I moved in another place. (from a house to a flat, and on both the input lag was there).

Yes I did try with and without gpu, with another one, etc. Same for mouse and keyboard. I really don't think that the peripherals are the problems. I plugged my peripherals directly in my new motherbard and I still feels the delay... For me the problem is coming from the monitor but I'm not sure.

So, in my opinion, and with the opinion of worker that I met on electronic market, we think that it might be the cause of the monitor. Because it will be strange that all of my peripherals are dying at the same time, plus my pc component are new (2week), and I had the delay with my old spec also. So what do you guys think ?

I'm planning to upgrade my monitor to a 144Hz one but I'm afraid to face the issue again...

Please help me
A few things to try

1. Turn off all streaming in windows Game Center

2. Download intel xtu, run benchmark, see if anything is under current or other throttling

3. Set windows system file to a different physical disk, use custom size, make min size=max size

4. Install hwinfo64, see if anything is throttled, see if system memory usage is peaked to 98%+ during gaming

5. Turn off vsync, in game option or nvidia label

Everything is new and works fine. Thanks for help but the only thing I suspect is my monitor response time. Any way to find if my monitor is dying ?

try it with a new monitot


Thanks for you answer. An yes, the monitor is the only thing that I haven't changed. Soon I'll get a new one (144Hz) and I hope it fix it. Thanks again for helping me!

Ok got my new monitor 144hz. The issue still persist.

Anyone can help?
Disable all possible applications in startup.

Then game to determine if performance has changed; i.e., no lagging.

If there is no lag then slowly re-enable the startup apps one by one while playing between each addition. Allow some time between additions. The problem may not immediately appear - some app may "wait" and then try to phone home, update, or back up.

And the lagging begins.

I did a clean boot (disable every non-microsoft services) and the issue is still there,
thanks for still helping me btw