Weird issue involving Internet


Mar 7, 2017
Been having strange issues with my Internet..

I am getting the following error..the site cannot be reached

and the connection was reset

a.) My cable internet is working perfectly

b.) the sites I am trying to access is actually working and can be accessed on a another computer in the office

c.) both my lap and desktop is experiencing the same issue

d.) I found out that by reseting my internet settings via windows actually temporarilyu fixes the issue

e.) I am using windows 10 on the desktop and laptop

f.) most sites are working--facebook,youtube,..etc

g.) I am using both edge and google chrome..issue is both found on the two browser

thanks in advance for any suggestions
It looks then like the problem is somewhere between the network card and browser (i.e., in the bowels of Windows).

If you can look up the IP address of the sites and are able to browse to them by entering the raw IP, that would narrow it to something involving DNS lookup or the DNS cache.


Thanks! for the reply

I forgot to add that I did just that

issue still persists


I checked the host file--seems ok nothing there..

done that to reset browser

I have no anti virus software
just the one built in windows 10

Edge also getting the same issue

It looks then like the problem is somewhere between the network card and browser (i.e., in the bowels of Windows).

If you can look up the IP address of the sites and are able to browse to them by entering the raw IP, that would narrow it to something involving DNS lookup or the DNS cache.