Question Weird keyboard and game controller problem ?


Oct 15, 2019
Hey everyone. I have a problem that just keeps getting worse and I was hoping if any one can help me.
When I play game on my PC (either emulation or steam/gog/epic etc) at a certain point when playing a game the controller and keyboard will stop working until reset the computer.
The controller middle light flickers (it's a Apower switch pro controller,but other model and makes of different gamepads do the same thing) and won't work beyond that point as well as the keyboard!
I've tried switching these devices with different USB ports with the problem still consistent, but when testing these components on my wife laptop during a 2 hour test they worked flawlessly like they used to on my Build.
My build is the following.

Windows 10 X64 Home
Intel 4670 Core i5
Asus Z87I-DELUXE (SOCKET 1150)
Memory -DDR3 16 GB
GPU - AMD Radeon R9 380 series

I've looked nearly everywhere to fix this issue and I been at a stand still. The only thing I can possible think of to try next is a BIOS flash and a update the intel chipset driver (I can't find the chipset drivers,but did find a bios update,but due to PCs I have had in the past where the bios flash failed and broke my mobos I am reluctant to go that route) However if it's a last resort and thats what I must do then I might take that plunge,BUT if anyone knows of other things I am able to try then please let me know. Thanks to anyone who reads this and can possibly help me.
If the peripherals have an issue with your platform and not on a donor system, then the issue can be confined to the OS being corrupt or the drivers being corrupt or both. You might want to see if the system you're on is on the latest BIOS version. Then check to see if your OS is pending any updates. If you're on Windows 10, you should ideally be on version 21H1. As for your drivers, first reinstall your chipset drivers, in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator.

Then try and reinstall peripheral drivers in the same elevated command.

What is the make and model of your PSU and it's age?
The power supply is a
Corsair CX750M that is about 8 months old

My windows is "21H1" and "up to date" (you've already stated)

I would like to update the BIOS on this machine,but as I stated I've had bad luck in doing so as the update fails and the bios is borked,but if I have to get things running up to par (I.E. play games on it like I used to) then it's a risk I must take..even though I have no back up machine to use if does fail. Unfortunately due to a recent move I no longer have the disk with the chipset drivers nor does Asus website have them BUT they had a bios update but doesn't come with a flash utility to complete that with. The bios firmware currently is from 2013 and Asus site had one from 2015. I grabbed it but they didn't supply software to flash it with, which is alien to me.

I've seen many sources that claim to have chipset drivers for Asus Z87I-DELUXE (my mobo) but I don't know which of these sources are reliable since none of them are from the official source it's hard to trust other sources for drivers to be the correct one. If you need more info to help me out, please ask. If you know of a source that has the chipset drivers that is reliable for my mobo that would be very helpful too. Thanks!