Weird Misc. Problems


Oct 22, 2016
These issues aren't making this PC unusable, but if I keep going on like this I'm worried that this problem will grow. When I turn off my computer, my keyboard and mouse both stay on. Then as soon as I press the power button they both turn off until the login screen shows up. This doesn't bother me too much. However, if i stay on the login screen too long, both my keyboard and mouse turn off, and both my monitors lose signal. The power button doesnt even respond when this happens. I am forced to push the switch on the power supply in order to restart it.

That's the main issue. I also am having issues where programs just suddenly stop responding for no reason. I'll save that for later. I'm currently running system scan. If any of you have questions or suggestions please do tell.
Inside the power options there is an advanced section . There are various different setting for each thing like monitor /sleep/usb/power buttons etc .
To find the advanced section choose "Change plan settings then look for the advanced bit . Its quite self explanatory form there.
It just might help . Do you use a Razor mouse?
You can manage what your power buttons and usb devices do to your pc and their behavior by entering control panel /system security/power options .
You can change the plan its using ,at a guess its using power saving . You can also alter the setting for each plan.
You solved the usb being weird. The login screen is still having issues. I am finding most of the programs that are crashing are actually browsers. Also, i ran SFC and Malewarebytes and found no issues on either of them. IDK whats happening at this point.
Inside the power options there is an advanced section . There are various different setting for each thing like monitor /sleep/usb/power buttons etc .
To find the advanced section choose "Change plan settings then look for the advanced bit . Its quite self explanatory form there.
It just might help . Do you use a Razor mouse?