Weird Noise From PC


Nov 10, 2016
Whenever running games like H1Z1 and Overwatch my PC makes this buzzing sound.

The case emits a crackling almost electrical sound. I've opened up the case and it is not the GPU or any lose cables. Nothing is rubbing on the GPU either.

Anyone ever experienced this? Could it just be some clacky fans picking up their speed?
Most likely something in your case or even possibly large buildups of dust are conducting electricity where there not supposed to be or alternatively your power supply is dying and the crackling is very low until your power supply runs at a heavy load such as would happen in bigger games.

If you power supply is crackling under load than I would recommend you check for dust but if it's dying form overuse or something wrong with it you should remove it at once as a dying power supply is very dangerous to you system! If it dies it can take other components with it and you wouldn't want it to take a CPU or GPU to the grave with it.

It could also be something little like a loose or dying fan so check for that too.

In conclusion you really...
Most likely something in your case or even possibly large buildups of dust are conducting electricity where there not supposed to be or alternatively your power supply is dying and the crackling is very low until your power supply runs at a heavy load such as would happen in bigger games.

If you power supply is crackling under load than I would recommend you check for dust but if it's dying form overuse or something wrong with it you should remove it at once as a dying power supply is very dangerous to you system! If it dies it can take other components with it and you wouldn't want it to take a CPU or GPU to the grave with it.

It could also be something little like a loose or dying fan so check for that too.

In conclusion you really need to find what is crackling if you do find what it is please respond to this post so we can try and figure out the best cause of action.

Went out and bought 600 watt :) Problem solved! Tysm