Weird patterned static/flickering in all games and some programs.


May 28, 2014
So just recently whenever I am using a game/program that uses the GTX 1060 in my laptop (automatically uses the intel integrated graphics for desktop and other basic programs), there is a weird box patterned flickering/static overlay.

This is what it looks like:

I have already tried updating my drivers but that didn't do anything.

Another thing that might be worth mentioning is that Spotify did the same thing until I went into settings and turned off "Enable Hardware Acceleration".

Anyone know a possible fix for this?
Thanks in advance.
updating drivers isn't a fix for something like that.
If you're lucky it is a driver issue though and you need to uninstall drivers and do a fresh install.
Use DDU for this

If that doesn't help, chances are, your GPU is going bad.

Perhaps underclocking the memory on it will help, but only for a short time. will need to keep being underclocked further and further until it just stops working.

Try doing the drivers first and see if it helps, then proceed with underclocking the memory if it doesn't.
updating drivers isn't a fix for something like that.
If you're lucky it is a driver issue though and you need to uninstall drivers and do a fresh install.
Use DDU for this

If that doesn't help, chances are, your GPU is going bad.

Perhaps underclocking the memory on it will help, but only for a short time. will need to keep being underclocked further and further until it just stops working.

Try doing the drivers first and see if it helps, then proceed with underclocking the memory if it doesn't.
if the laptop in warranty i would rma to have the video card replaced. if it out of warranty i would pull power from the batery and wall and check that the gpu card still locked in. on some newer laptop the video cards are replaceable and can come lose over time.

Yep underclocking doesn't work. GPU must be going bad which sucks since this laptop is under a year old. Looks like I'll be sending it in for repairs.