Weird power issues with custom built pc


Dec 31, 2007
I have an issue with my power for my newly build pc.

This seems to happen only for this specific scenario. Lets say I have a new pci card I want to add to my computer. Okay so first I shut it down, then hit the power switch on my power supply and then take out the power cord. Then when ive added my pci card. I put the power cord back in and then hit the power switch on my power supply. When I hit the power button on my case, nothing happens. So what I do is I turn off the power on the power supply and take the cord out then put it all back. Then only sometimes the power will come on. And if it does it can only hold the power for a few seconds, then it automaticly trys again without me touching anything and usually it will boot up fine. So im wondering what could be causing this to happen. I mean its not too serious as long as it boots up the second or third try. Also this does not happen if I shut it down for the night and start it up the next day. This only happens when i turn off the power supply and take out the cord. Heres my specs:
It sounds like an earth leakage issue. Try a different power cable and plug point to rule out external factors. If not, check all connections to the mobo, etc.
It sounds like the power supply or motherboard might be bad. Try putting the GPU in a different PCIe slot. If it still doesn't turn on, something is wrong with your PSU. Since it's new, I'd RMA it and let Corsair take care of it.

This is what my best guess would be also. It seems like there is not enough power coming from the wall outlet to start the computer up initially. All the outlets in my room are connected to the same fuse. And being a computer nerd and an electronics guy I do have a lot of power consumption running. One thing that I could try is bring it to a different part of the house and see what happens.