Weird problem with HDD, not able to fix it by myself.


Feb 17, 2017
I hope I can find somebody who's willing to help here, because google didn't bring me any luck. The person that needs help, a friend of mine, asked me if I knew what this problem is. I couldn't find an anwser on the internet, so I thought: maybe ask the people on this forum if they know this. I'll put a screenshot down below that shows off the problem. So the problem is: she cannot rename the hdd (on the screenshot it's marked by the blue rectangle), and is not able to remove the logo you see on the left. It's a minor issue, I know, but it's very annoying in her opinion. It's a 1tb hdd, and she's unable to rename it, cannot see the available space and remove the icon. Anyone who is willing to help me with this problem? I thank you in advance.

Screenshot: (the language seen in the picture is dutch, but in this case that doesn't matter too much.)

She told me she got a really weird Elder Scrolls DVD from somebody, installed it, and removed it later. Arround the time she installed the game, this problem occured. It was a pirated copy, and it messed up the HDD. It is still accessible, but she wants to rename it, remove te logo and see available drive space again.

Uhm I'll ask her whenever she's available, and let her send a screenshot. Do you mean if she just right clicks on it, or when she looks at the properties?

Okay thank you, I'll tell her to try that. She also doesn't support piracy, but the person who gave it to her clearly did. She already uninstalled it, since she does not support it either. Anyways, thanks for your help :)