Weird startup problem.


Jul 24, 2017
So, basically my friend has been having the worst luck with his computers from failing ram, fried motherboards, and bad PSUS.
SO anyways we finally get his PC where it needs to be with a new PSU and new mobo. All works no problem. The issue at hand is that when he turns on his PC everything runs fine and then all fans including cpu will spin super slow and after about 45 seconds to 1 minute everything will go back up to normal speed and the PC boots with no issue at all. Everything runs fine. This only happens maybe 1 out of 3 times he turns his PC on but we are curious to why this is happening. Maybe something to do with a bios settings?

AMD Phenom II X4 980
Gigabyte GeForce 1050ti 4gb GDDR5
Ballistix 16gb DDR3 1600mhz
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Rev 6.0
EVGA 500w 80+
2x500gb HDD
"HDD shouldn't be an issue we checked it the other day."

Let's be sure. Try another HDD with a fresh windows install and see if it's the BIOS, the OS, or the HDD that you're booting into.
What programs are you running when the fans go slow?
What programs are you running when the fans go fast?

Check your processes and how much resources it's using while paying attention to the fan speed and temperature of your hardware.
So you're saying the computer doesn't fully boot up until the wackiness with the fans, etc is finished or are you in Windows and the fans spin down?
I'd reset the BIOS (and make sure you have the latest BIOS update).
Also, is he running an installation of Windows that was used on a different motherboard?

Basically, when he presses the power button the fans and LED's come on but no display and the fans are very slow. Then after about a minute or so the fans go to normal speed and the PC boots up with no issue. We just cant seem to find whats causing the delay. (Bios has been reset and has the newest version available) no difference. It only happens 1 in 3 times he turns his PC on but its just a nuisance.

No programs are running. The problem is not that it goes from slow to fast back to slow back to fast. The problem is that when the PC is first turned on the fans are almost silent and slow with LED response but no display at all. After about a full minute the PC boots up normally with 0 issues. We need to find whats causing the delay or what feature it could be that I need to turn off.
Okay so after the computer POSTS the Master Boot Record is then finding your OS, and it's taking forever for that part of the step to complete.

So whats the RPM is your HDDs; specifically the one that holds your MBR? Also, is it fragmented? Has it been checked for errors?

HDD shouldn't be an issue we checked it the other day. The problem is just that the computer wont turn on immediately as it should. It only wants to idle with fans running slow and then after a moment or so the computer boots without any issues and can be used for hours with no issue. We just cant seem to find the reason for delay.
"HDD shouldn't be an issue we checked it the other day."

Let's be sure. Try another HDD with a fresh windows install and see if it's the BIOS, the OS, or the HDD that you're booting into.