So a couple of days ago I log on my computer and try to open Steam (gaming program) and it says unable to connect to servers (Error -105). So I try to look it up on Google Chrome and apparently chrome is not working either it comes up with an error message that says "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" I look up the error and it tells me to flush dns, restart etc... But none of those work. So I go on my other browser Microsoft edge and I can browse everything and go on websites. So chrome and steam wont work but Microsoft edge will. I have internet this whole time via Ethernet. So I am connected to the internet but steam and chrome wont work but edge will. So I tried to delete chrome and download it again from edge but when I try to install it wont work it says I need to be connected to internet. So I went to another computer in my house that was wireless to see if it worked and it worked. So I try to hardline it from the router and it did not work so steam and chrome wont work when It is connect not wireless. I have changed the router but still the same issue. So wireless everything works but wired steam and chrome don't work. And btw it says I'm connected to steam because I can chat with my friends and see them but I can not play online.
Please Help!!!!!!!
Please Help!!!!!!!