Weird torrent problem


Aug 18, 2015
I was downloading a couple files (legit) and it was slow going. I've never had any issues before today, but things were really crawling for a couple hours. I'm talking anywhere from 50kbps to 200kbps - real erratic. I checked speedtest and I was getting 15mbps down according to them. Then the landline rang and the downloads stalled. I let it ring, and they hung up. After that, the downloads jumped to 1mbps and stayed there. This has never happened before. Could there be an ISP issue? I have AT&T.

Windows 7 if it matters.
My guess is that you have a VoIP line. Communication with VoIP automatically these days triggers QoS to assign VoIP preferential treatment over other network communications. This would explain why your network speeds suffered.