I just built a computer...
here are the parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Extilen/saved/d6ZFf7
It started up beautifully, I can access the BIOS, etc...
I inserted the Windows 7 disk into my drive so I can install windows, after the computer gets past the BIOS start menu, text pops up saying ISOLINUX...A Bootable DVD/CD is detected. Press ENTER to boot from the DVD/CD.
I press enter, it loads a bunch of text, then brings me to a menu saying "Welcome to ASUS Motherboard Make Disk for DOS Menu" with the 2 options:
FreeDOS command prompt
and when i click on 1 it says..
Please insert your formatted floppy to A:\
Press a key to continue.
then it says
Error reading from Drive A: DOS area: unknown command given to driver
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail?
Since none of the other options work
I just press (F)ail and it brings be back to that ASUS menu again.
I've looked it up, but nothing helps. Anyone else have this problem and fixed it?
here are the parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Extilen/saved/d6ZFf7
It started up beautifully, I can access the BIOS, etc...
I inserted the Windows 7 disk into my drive so I can install windows, after the computer gets past the BIOS start menu, text pops up saying ISOLINUX...A Bootable DVD/CD is detected. Press ENTER to boot from the DVD/CD.
I press enter, it loads a bunch of text, then brings me to a menu saying "Welcome to ASUS Motherboard Make Disk for DOS Menu" with the 2 options:
FreeDOS command prompt
and when i click on 1 it says..
Please insert your formatted floppy to A:\
Press a key to continue.
then it says
Error reading from Drive A: DOS area: unknown command given to driver
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail?
Since none of the other options work
I just press (F)ail and it brings be back to that ASUS menu again.
I've looked it up, but nothing helps. Anyone else have this problem and fixed it?