Welcome to ASUS Motherboard Make Disk for DOS Menu


May 11, 2014
I just built a computer...

here are the parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Extilen/saved/d6ZFf7

It started up beautifully, I can access the BIOS, etc...

I inserted the Windows 7 disk into my drive so I can install windows, after the computer gets past the BIOS start menu, text pops up saying ISOLINUX...A Bootable DVD/CD is detected. Press ENTER to boot from the DVD/CD.

I press enter, it loads a bunch of text, then brings me to a menu saying "Welcome to ASUS Motherboard Make Disk for DOS Menu" with the 2 options:

FreeDOS command prompt

and when i click on 1 it says..

Please insert your formatted floppy to A:\
Press a key to continue.

then it says
Error reading from Drive A: DOS area: unknown command given to driver
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail?

Since none of the other options work
I just press (F)ail and it brings be back to that ASUS menu again.

I've looked it up, but nothing helps. Anyone else have this problem and fixed it?

↑ Your answer.

I built this computer after drinking last night, I just realized that I didn't actually put the Win7 disk in, I still had my Asus Motherboard's driver disk in. That wasn't working for some reason, so I'm just going to install windows (which I hope installs correctly) and then download the newest drivers.

I bought an OEM version of Win7 from Newegg.