Were do you want to install windows problem


May 17, 2015
drive 0 partition 1 system reserved 100mb

drive0 part 2 232.8gb
drive1 part 1 931.5 gb

Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an mbr partition table. on efi systems windows can only be installed to gpt disks.
is there any data on any of the partitions what you didn't back up? IF you've already backup up everything, then make 1 big partition, i think you can do that with windows installer " delete partition " , then format it and see if it's fixed.
If you're on that screen in the installer now and reformatting through the graphical interface isn't working, press Shift-F10 to bring up a command prompt. Type 'diskpart' to launch the command line disk partitioner.

use these commands to navigate:

list disk
list partition
select disk x (where x is the disk number of the target disk as listed by above command)
select partition x (same as above, for partitions)
delete partition
convert gpt


try again

when im in the command prompt and type in list disk/list partition- it says list is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file

when im in the command prompt and type in list disk/list partition- it says list is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file

do i type disk 0
believe that is selecting it but when i type in list partition it says no disk is selected
don't do that. that command list has flaws at first, missing creating of primary partition,, filesystem setting ,labeling, etc, setting active. also doing it with windows installer is like 5 button pressing. you delete the disk 1 part 0 and disk1 part 1, then format the new partition and install windows on it. you don't want to end up with having your old windows files aswell that's why you'll have to delete both partitions.