Western Digital Black 2TB Read Drops


Dec 25, 2017
I bought a brand new WD 2 TB Black HDD two days ago with the model WDC WD2003FZEX-00SRLA0
I started by benchmarking it with HD Tune Pro in read mode. The results are pretty much concerning as the read speed, despite reaching a maximum read speed of 194MB/s, it drops in minimum read speed to 1, yes ONE, MB/s as it appears HERE.

Today I made the same test and got similar results with really huge drop in read rates reaching 22 MB/s as it appears HERE.

I have a WD Green, model WDC WD10EZRX-00A8LB0, which is a couple of years old. It never showed such drop in read speeds as my Black one did. (Screen HERE)

Do you think it's a faulty and unstable drive that I should replace? or is it normal behavior for this model?

Thanks popatim for your reply.
Retailers where I live aren't really that friendly when it comes to returns except when there's a real obvious problem with an evidence. In addition, I have contacted WD by email and they nicely referred me to use Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows, which doesn't show read and write speeds basically. I made the quick test and, as expected, it passed without showing any further details. I have had an experience few weeks ago with WD's Lifeguard Diagnostics, where I tested a 6-year-old (power on hrs) terribly slow driver but it passed both quick and extended test just because it doesn't have any bad sectors, I assume.

I tested file transfer on it in day to day usage; it is relatively fast if compared to the old Green WD I have.
I made a internal transfer, from a partition to another one in the same HDD, just for the sake of comparison. The difference is not that huge and in my opinion doesn't worth the high price for the Black WD.
The new 2TB Black HERE.
The old 1TB Green HERE.

Can I ask the local retailer for a replacement based on a non-official benchmarking tool?
It would be really helpful if someone who owns one with the same or similar model post benchmarking screenshots; if it's a general case, I would avoid the 2 TB Black when I ask for a replacement.

Keep it simple and tell the retailer it stops working after an extended period of use. Technically you are telling the truth.

Thanks delta5 for your answer.
I can see in your signature that you have a WD 2TB Black; could you please benchmark this drive using HD Tune Pro and share the results?
A trial can be downloaded from http://www.hdtune.com/files/hdtunepro_570_trial.exe
You will just select the drive from the drop down menu and in the first tab "Benchmark" click start.

The difference is huge; a replacement is a must. I am really thankful for your help.

Could you please take a photo of the drive itself? Like mine (Blur the serial number)
I will compare mine to yours just in case I had the chance to choose between different batches or dates of manufacture.

I've heard and read of people returning motherboards, CPUs, ect 2 or 3 times in a row. They even offer 'in store' insurance that lets you return any component for any reason within a year. You get what you paid for the item in the form of in store credit.

It's the only place i'll buy PC parts from.