Western Digital Blue SSD Review

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WD Lists it for $299, Newegg selling it for $299, Amazon has it for $279 --- I think you can update your review. It performs nicely but there are much better values out there.
Yeah the talk about prices in the article is confusing all the while the Amazon link shows it priced way higher than (any of) the article prices sprinkled around in the text. What gives?
The review will need several changes. We are working on it now. Below you can see the pricing information we received from Western Digital. We even had a conversation, that included talk about pricing, within the last 24 hours.

• MSRP for all new Blue and Green capacity sizes
o WD Blue 250 GB $79.99, 500 GB $139.99 and 1TB $199.99 USD MSRP - WD Green has not been determined yet as it won’t be shipping until later this quarter.
Oh sure, they're nice and cheap but the Interface is based on old, outdated and soon to be OBSOLETE super slow AHCI SATA 6Gbps. Why on earth would WD waste their time with such slow crap? When they change the interface to NVMe then, maybe they'll have something worth talking about until then, not. SATA is also soon to be obsolete.

Remember, VGA got pretty cheap too and it took like 10 years to get rid of it. We certainly need SATA for now but, it should start being considered obsolete by 2020 and begin to disappear from motherboards to make more room for more NVMe SSD connections. I just hope SATA doesn't turn into the next VGA and linger for 10 years. No point clinging to old obsolete, outdated and super slow technology that is capped at super slow speeds with an ACHI interface that will never ever get beyond 600MB/s. SATA has been a huge bottleneck keeping HD's and storage super slow for years.

I agree, SATA is legacy tech and we should move forward. You make a really good point, it will likely be much like VGA - the interface that never dies.
As it has been pointed out the price is about $299 and lets be honest. If you are looking for a cheap drive, WD isn't the name that comes to mind. WD has always charged a premium for their products. Whether it is deservedly or not is a topic all its own.

On the bright side now with the SanDisk unit merged in it would be nice if they did an update on the Black2 drive. The earlier unit's SSD side was weak and slow by anyone's standards. The idea was good execution...
For the time being, and mainly because it took so long for SSD vendors to optimize Flash memory firmware, we are buying ONLY Samsung and SanDisk SSDs with a 10-year factory warranty:

just compute (retail price) / (warranty years) so as to "amortize" that capital investment.

Then, when the RocketRAID 3840A (or comparable NVMe RAID controller) stabilizes, we will be able to build our next workstation with any compatible PCIe 3.0 motherboard.

Our 13GB ramdisk is almost full, so we need a new workstation with at least 32GB of DRAM. But, we've been waiting because only a few PCIe 3.0 motherboards support 2 x U.2 ports (e.g. ASUS Hero Alpha), and we have a preference for RAID-0 arrays with 4 x member SSDs.

Also, if you know where to look, the Z170 motherboards with 2 x M.2 or 3 x M.3 slots situate those slots DOWNSTREAM of the DMI 3.0 link, and that DMI 3.0 link has the exact same UPSTREAM bandwidth as a single M.2 NVMe SSD! All of the benchmarks we have read all report the same ceiling ~3,500 MB/s
(i.e. 4,000 MAX HEADROOM minus aggregate controller overhead).

(The exact calculation for MAX is 32 Gbps / 8.125 bits per byte = 3,938.46 because the PCIe 3.0 standard uses the 128b/130b jumbo frame: 130 bits / 16 bytes per frame = 8.125 bits per byte .)

Lastly, something that readers here already appreciate, it took FOREVER for storage vendors to catch up with the bandwidth available to SLI and Crossfire setups i.e. HBAs with x16 edge connectors.

There is an engineering "elegance" that comes with x16 PCIe 3.0 lanes
and four x4 devices being fed with a full x16 edge connector:

4 @ x4 = x16

Highpoint appears to be one of the FIRST to satisfy most of the key requirements stated in this WANT AD:


So, we wait: the wait will be worth it, imho.
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