Really easy advice when you're spending other people's money.
I am not spending anyone's money but mine, and I am giving a free advice. What's not to like?
I've got a need for portable external storage greater than the 3.6TB of formatted capacity that yields, which doesn't require high-end performance.
And what, pray tell, you have stored there that doesn't require read/write performance better than this pitiful piece of junk WD is selling?
3.6 TB = 3,686.4 GB = 3,774,873.6 MB
I'll be generous and give it average 50 MB/sec read speed -- that's 75,497 seconds to access all 3.6 TB of data stored on it. So either you don't need all that data at the same time but a much, much, smaller subset of it, or if you really need it all then such a slow speed can't possibly be acceptable for normal use.
Replacing a 5TB external HDD with 990 PROs comes out to $520 for 4TB + 1TB + a two-drive enclosure that allows spanning, or $590 to replace a 6TB drive.
It might not be your niche, but there's certainly a niche for cheap, portable capacity.
Well you certainly get what you pay for.