What’s a good silent graphics card?


Jan 24, 2017
Looking for a silent gpu that doesn’t heat very much. I have a pc with not the best air flow so if the heat isn’t very much, well you get the idea...

I’d like something 500 and under, and what I’m looking at right now is the Vega rx 64 that I found for exactly 500.

I currently have two 1060 6gb (ASUS and pny ) which both sound crazy, so that’s why I’m upgrading. I asked on reddit and one guy said Vega is good and the fans will dissipate the heat, while another said that I should not since the Vega uses too much power and heats up fast. I just want a silent gpu that doesn’t overheat. Thanks!

It wont be an upgrade, it will be a downgrade which I believe isn't what he wants.

No, it wouldn't be a downgrade. It would be a lateral movement. The same power, but without the noise. He said he is upgrading because of the noise. If noise is his only concern, then the card I said would fit the bill. If he also wants more power, than it won't. It all comes down to if he is only concerned about noise, or if he is concerned about noise and wanting more power.

He didn't specify.. I mean, he said that he found RX VEGA 64 for 500$ but it generates a lot of heat so I thought GTX counterpart would be good, specifically STRIX.

Out of 4+ different GTX 1060 models reviewed on techpowerup, the Zotac mini is the loudest. In general short, single fan cards are often going to be hotter/louder than larger 2/3 fan cards.

The OP should decide what GPU they want, and then we can recommend a particular card model that has a good, quiet cooler.

Strix cards are good due to their 0dB technology, 2 fan should be okay. And generally I think that Strix is quiet enough.

Most cards have 0db tech, it just means the fans are off when the card is not under load.

What are you using the PC for?

For quiet operation I would be going for a liquid cooler graphics card, which can run practically silent even under load, things like the MSI Seahawk or EVGA hybrid.