What 1155 Board Should I Get?


Jan 7, 2011
Hey fellas, I'm in need of a new 1155 motherboard and I'm not sure which one to get. I'm using a 2500K so I will be overclocking. size Isn't a problem as I'm using a NZXT Phantom case.
This pc is only used for gaming.

Current specs

I5 2500k
Corsair 800W
AMD r9 290 Sapphire tri-x
Corsair 2x4gb ram
2x1tb HDD's

What motherboard should I get?

Thank you for the speedy reply, that board looks sick and I'm going with it!
Thanks again!

EDIT: Would I have any trouble installing a Corsair H105 on that board? I need to replace my 212 as It's very bulky 😛