What 200-250 GPU should I get?


Sep 6, 2014
Hello everyone,

My old GPU was a Sapphire R9 270x 2 GB, but about a week ago it "died", it only had 2 years and 3 months with me, but then when launching a game my pc crashed and green lines appeared on the screen when I restarted it, I tried everything to revive it, but it kept doing the same, so I asked a friend to lend me his Sapphire HD 7700, and that's what I'm using right now.

I've been looking at reviews and benchmarks of the new gen gpus since that day, also I've been constantly searching the best deals at amazon, so far what I've got is that I have to choose between RX 480 and GTX 1060, but there's way too many options. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed with AMD/Sapphire I had in mind to change my GPU, but come on now I can't even sell it or gift it, I used to clean it every month or two and never got above 73°C temperatures. So I've been thinking about switching to the green team.

However yesterday I saw MSI RX 480 4GB for only 199.99... and 33 USD import fees, which sounds like a great deal, but I've seen so many reviews saying GTX 1060 (even the 3 GB version) is better, should I keep trusting AMD and get it or should I switch?

Here are the options that have caught my attention:






The last two are above my "budget" but I can afford any of those but I don't want to regret spending an extra 60 USD for 5-8 FPS, I mostly play BF4, KF2, PD2, FIFA 16, and I plan to get Dishonored 2 and you know 1 or 2 of the upcoming 2017 games, So my goal is to play those games at 1080p above 60 fps without drops. My system is: M5A97 RE 2.0, FX 8320, 6 GB DDR3 Kingston ram, 1 TB seagate barracuda, PSU: aerocool strike x 600w 80+ bronze. I'm waiting for AMD zen to upgrade to a new mobo and ddr4 ram next year.

Lastly should I wait for black friday? It's in 3 weeks, so I can wait a bit more I'm not really desperate, but what if there's no better deals? Do you guys remember good GPU deals on black friday from past years?

I'll await your feedback and comments.

Thanks in advance.

If you are gaming on a 1080p 60Hz monitor then I'd get the 480. The MSI one you talk about for $199 is an excellent buy. It'll max out all your games. If I were to get the 1060 I'd get the 6gb version, the 3gb isn't as good as the 6gb one and thats not because of memory. I'd prefer the 1060 if I had a monitor that was 1080p 144Hz.

But yes, why not just wait another week or two? The black friday deals can come earlier than you think, but if you find a "deal" it'll probably not be much...like $10-20 less. Here is a link to help track GPU prices in the US:
If you are gaming on a 1080p 60Hz monitor then I'd get the 480. The MSI one you talk about for $199 is an excellent buy. It'll max out all your games. If I were to get the 1060 I'd get the 6gb version, the 3gb isn't as good as the 6gb one and thats not because of memory. I'd prefer the 1060 if I had a monitor that was 1080p 144Hz.

But yes, why not just wait another week or two? The black friday deals can come earlier than you think, but if you find a "deal" it'll probably not be much...like $10-20 less. Here is a link to help track GPU prices in the US:
You almost convinced me to get the 480 4GB but you hit a spot with the 144 hz gaming, maybe in the near future I'll get a 144 hz monitor too, so I'll wait a few more weeks and see if the 1060 6 GB goes to somewhere around 239-249 USD.

Thanks for the links!!

The 1060 is priced around $260 for some good ones. I wouldn't be surprised if it dropped to $230 before the end of the month. Just keep your eye peeled for some deals. btw, a 144Hz monitor is nice but also try to get one with G-Sync (for Nvidia cards only) or consider IPS over TN panel. So many choices it'll make your headspin.
I saw the PNY at about $200usd: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133634&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-Veeralava%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=7057735&SID=

I feel like PNY is lower tier than EVGA and MSI. If the price is right and warranty is good then why not give it a shot? It's not very popular in the US...just look at comments/reviews/... I personally would rather get MSI or EVGA. Just wait another week for the deals to start pouring down.