What age groups make up gaming?


Oct 8, 2014
What percentage of kids age 5-12, teens aged 13-19, young adults aged 20-30, adults aged 30-55 and elders aged 55+ are on mobile gaming, PC Gaming and Console Gaming? Thank you! (#LoveStatistics)
Woah, never knew you were over 55. Enlighten me of the simpler time when dinosaurs roamed free and children played outside for hours instead of inside. (for hours)


We 'elders' are the ones who built 'the internet' you are using.

A simpler time? When a simple 4 function calculator was $100. Or before that, when they didn't really exist.
Or a bit after...when a 125MB hard dive was close to a months pay. Yes, 125MB, not GB.
How about when 1MB RAM for a typical PC crossed the $100 line.
Yes, people such as you laid the computer industries foundation (as in, participating in it since the start, desktop wise). An example would be my Digital Technology Merit Badge Teacher. He has worked in computers for 40 years, about 26-27 years before I was even born. Also, I could see the way how technology in a way was not simple. More expensive it was for tech terrible by todays standards, but that was only since it was not mainstream. As technology gets better, people can financially afford more powerful devices. By a simpler time, I was implying when technology wasn`t a large part of our lives, when children read books and watched television with the family, a time when people interacted more often face to face. My father who is turning 53 this year has enlightened me of DOS, the command prompt (as in when it was essential for the PC to work, I am experiencing it firsthand when trying to use DOSBOX), phone line internet, the Magnovox Oddesy and many other wonders of the ancient world (technology wise, it was ancient and nobody is going to go back to it. (If they used it when it was current))Other examples of elders who laid the foundation of modern computers are Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Dave Packard, Tim Berners-Lee and many others. Also, I think you should be proud to be an elder. I will treat you as an elder not in the "Old Man who is 20 years behind in tech" but with the idea that you have alot of life experience and that you have knowledge I may receive a minimum of decades from now. Thank you for helping the early tech industry grow.
Simpler time?

'Go outside'
'Be home before dark'.
'Don't screw up, because the neighbors will tell me'.

That was it.

Age 11, I had one of these:

Bought used, with $40 of my own money. We used to cruise all over.

Look up 'free range kids'
Man, it sucks to be a teen today. Parents won`t let their children go outside the neighborhood anymore without someone else being with them. Kids will think this is normal and be brainwashed by the bullcrap laws designed to gradually eliminate children learning how to handle themselves alone and the even worse education system. I wish instead of preventing kids from being without an adult 24/7, street safety should be taught in schools. Unfortunately, these soccer mom legislations are here to stay.